将$ scope注入typescript控制器

时间:2016-01-09 16:01:06

标签: angularjs typescript

我正在编写我的第一个打字稿控制器,并且在理解如何使用$ scope时遇到一些问题,以便我可以引用不同代码块中的元素。以下是相关代码:

    module app.controllers {

        class TeamsController implements app.domain.Team {

            teamId: number;
            teamName: string;
            coach: app.domain.Coach;
            division: app.domain.Division;
            cheerleaderImage: string;
            coachImage: string;
            headerImage: string;
            logoImage: string;

            divisions: app.domain.Division[];
            coaches: app.domain.Coach[];
            teams: app.domain.Team[];

            selectedTeam: app.domain.Team;
            teamToBeUpdated: app.domain.Team;

            httpService: ng.IHttpService;

            static $inject = ['dataAccessService', '$http', '$scope'];

            constructor(private dataAccessService: app.common.DataAccessService, $http: ng.IHttpService, $scope: ng.IScope) {

                this.teams = [];
                this.divisions = [];
                this.coaches = [];

                this.httpService = $http;

                var teamResource = dataAccessService.getTeamResource();
                var divisionResource = dataAccessService.getDivisionResource();
                var coachResource = dataAccessService.getCoachResource();

                teamResource.query((data: app.domain.Team[]) => {
                    this.teams = data;

                divisionResource.query((data: app.domain.Division[]) => {
                    this.divisions = data;

                coachResource.query((data: app.domain.Coach[]) => {
                    this.coaches = data;

                this.selectedTeam =
                    new app.domain.Team(0, "", new app.domain.Coach(0, ""), new app.domain.Division(0, ""), "", "", "", "");
                this.teamToBeUpdated =
                    new app.domain.Team(0, "", new app.domain.Coach(0, ""), new app.domain.Division(0, ""), "", "", "", "");

    addUpdateTeam(): void {

                if (this.teamToBeUpdated.teamId === 0) {

                    //vm.isBusy = true;
                    //vm.errorMessage = "";

                    //post, pass teamToBeUpdated object
                    this.httpService.post('http://localhost:33201/api/Teams/Add', this.teamToBeUpdated)
                        .then(function (response) {
                            this.teams.sort(function (a, b) {
                                if (a.teamName.toLowerCase() < b.teamName.toLowerCase()) return -1;
                                if (a.teamName.toLowerCase() > b.teamName.toLowerCase()) return 1;
                                return 0;
                            this.teamToBeUpdated =
                                new app.domain.Team(0, "", new app.domain.Coach(0, ""), new app.domain.Division(0, ""), "", "", "", ""); //clear form
                        }, function (error) {
                            //vm.errorMessage = "Failed to save new team: " + error;
                        .finally(function () {
                            //vm.isBusy = false;

    //registration with module must be declared after class
        .controller("teamsController", ['dataAccessService', '$http', '$scope', TeamsController]);



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


interface TeamsScope extends ng.IScope {
  teams: string[]


constructor(private dataAccessService: app.common.DataAccessService, $http: ng.IHttpService, $scope: TeamsScope) {


例如,你可以在其中一个类方法中访问 $ scope


为了在$ http服务的处理程序中保持相同的词法范围,您可以使用箭头功能

this.httpService.post('http://localhost:33201/api/Teams/Add', this.teamToBeUpdated)
                        .then((response) => { this.teams = resonse.data});

您可以在此处找到有关arrow functions的更多信息。