
时间:2016-01-11 20:01:39

标签: java swing jframe



这是我的目标:每个上传的文件都带有一定数量的"批次"。我的程序为每个批次循环一次。在循环期间,显示每个相关的JOptionPane GUI。当读取所有批次时,程序结束并且文件完成。



package nachamultifive;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import javax.swing.JFileChooser;

import nachamultifive.Buffered_Reader_Writer.BatchCounter;
import nachamultifive.Buffered_Reader_Writer.FileValidation;
import nachamultifive.Buffered_Reader_Writer.MainWriter;
import nachamultifive.GUIs.FileHandling;
import nachamultifive.GUIs.ReturnBuilderGUI;

public class NachaMain 

    public static JFileChooser saveFile;//The output file save location.
    public static JFileChooser uploadFile;//The uploaded NACHA file. 

    public static int batchTotal;//The total number of batches in the file. 
    public static ArrayList<String> batchHeaders;//An array of all batch headers.
    public static int batchCounter;//The counter that displays the current batch number in sequence.

    public static String location;

    public static void main(String args[]){

        FileHandling fHandling = new FileHandling();//The class that handles upload/save of files. 

        fHandling.getFile();//Allows the user to upload a file.
        fHandling.setDirectory();//Allows the user to choose the save location. 
        saveFile=fHandling.saveFile;//Sets the file save location as static with the main class.
        uploadFile=fHandling.uploadFile;//Sets the uploaded file as static with the main class.

        BatchCounter bCounter = new BatchCounter();//The class that handles counting the batches. 

        bCounter.getBatches();//Counts the total number of batches.
        batchTotal=BatchCounter.BatchTotal;//Sets the total number of batches as static with the main class.
        batchHeaders=bCounter.batchHeaders;//Sets the batch header array as static with the main class. 

        MainWriter mWriter = new MainWriter();//The class that handles all writing functions for the new file. 

        mWriter.writeNacha();//Writes the output file. 

        location = MainWriter.location;
        System.out.println("NachaMain Location=" + location);

        FileValidation fValidation = new FileValidation();//The class that handles validating the output ACH file. 

        fValidation.validateNacha();//Method to validate the ACH file. 

        ReturnBuilderGUI gui = new ReturnBuilderGUI();//Class used for GUI's.

        gui.displayFileOption();//Method used to display the ACH output and error report name. 

        gui.showSavedErrors();//Method to display the error report. 



ReturnBuilderGUI gui = new ReturnBuilderGUI();//The GUI class.
                    ReturnBuilderGUI.displayGUI();//Calls the GUI to display the initial double list GUI. 

调用该类调用该循环的整个GUI。 (mWriter类为每个批处理循环)。当调用ReturnBuilder类时,这是基本的代码布局:

public static void displayGUI(){//Method to display the GUI. 

        final JButton createReturnButton = new JButton("Create Return");
        createReturnButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){

            public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent ae){


                        initialScreenDecisions="NONE";//The user did not choose to add any entry details to the output list.
                        MainWriter.finishedCounter=true;//The boolean counter to trigger that the return is finished goes to true.
                        while(MainWriter.entryDetails.size()>0){//Removes all entry details from the input list.

                        while(output.size()>0){//Removes all entry details from the output list..


                }else {

                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "No batches have been completed!"); 

        final Object[] createR = new Object[] { "Confirm",createReturnButton }; 

            int result = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, getPanel(),"Return Builder", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, 
                JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, null, createR, "default");


        //Creates a JOptionPane for the first GUI featuring 7 buttons and 2 lists.. 





1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

我真的希望你需要使用Cardlayout并在每一步翻转到下一张牌。完成后,通过翻转到第一张卡进行重置。 CardLayout是循环的,因此会自动翻到第一张卡片。

public class CardExample extends JFrame {

    CardExample() {

        JPanel main = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
        CardLayout cl = new CardLayout();
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            main.add(new StepPanel(i));

        JButton next = new JButton("Next");
        next.addActionListener(e -> cl.next(main));

        add(next, BorderLayout.PAGE_END);

    class StepPanel extends JPanel {

        StepPanel(int i){

            add(new JLabel("Step " + i));

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> new CardExample());

所有这些都取代了JOptionPane s,这对于逐步用户交互通常更为舒适(例如,参见安装程序)。只需自定义我称之为StepPanel的内容,最后您可以使用&#34;加载和重置&#34;按钮而不是&#34; next&#34;。