WebSocket onclose只调用一次

时间:2016-01-17 13:52:57

标签: javascript websocket


var reconnect = 0;
WS.onclose = function(event){
bot_debug("Connection has been lost, reconnecting...",0); WS = null;setTimeout(connect,1000);console.log("reconnecting");reconnect++;

WS是websocket的变量。代码只工作一次 - 当服务器断开连接时,脚本按预期工作(重新连接),但如果连接再次丢失,则此代码根本不起作用。可能是什么原因?


function connect() {
  if (!WS) {
    chat('italic', 'Generating authentication token...');
      url: '/scripts/getToken.php',
      success: function (data) {
        if (data) {
          if (data == 'nologin') {
            chat('italic', 'Please sign in through Steam to connect.');
          } else if (data == 'max') {
            chat('italic', 'CSGODouble servers are currently full - please try back later.');
          } else {
            chat('italic', 'Connecting to server...');
            WS = new WebSocket(HOST + '/' + data);
            WS.onopen = function () {
              chat('italic', 'Connected!');
            WS.onerror = function (event) {
              chat('italic', 'Error: Connected closed.');
            WS.onclose = function (event) {
              WS = null;
              chat('italic', 'Connection lost...');
            WS.onmessage = onMessage;
        } else {
          chat('italic', 'Error: Failed to get AT');
      error: function (err) {
        chat('italic', 'Error: Failed to get AT');
  } else {
    console.log('Error: Existing connection found');

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