
时间:2016-01-19 02:48:13

标签: angularjs validation checkbox








      "id": "0",
      "header": "Fruits",
      "question": "Which fruit do you like?", 
      "answer": [
        {"aid": 0, "value" : "Apple", "isChecked" : false},
        {"aid": 1, "value" : "Banana", "isChecked" : false},
        {"aid": 2, "value" : "Strawberry", "isChecked" : false},
        {"aid": 3, "value" : "Grapes", "isChecked" : false},
        {"aid": 4, "value" : "Mango", "isChecked" : false}  
      "id": "1",
      "header": "Vegetables",
      "question": "Which vegetable do you like?", 
      "answer": [
        {"aid": 0, "value" : "Potato", "isChecked" : false},
        {"aid": 1, "value" : "Spinach", "isChecked" : false},
        {"aid": 2, "value" : "Cabbage", "isChecked" : false},
        {"aid": 3, "value" : "Brinjal", "isChecked" : false}
      "id": "2",
      "header": "Color",
      "question": "Which color do you like?", 
      "answer": [
        {"aid": 0, "value" : "Red", "isChecked" : false},
        {"aid": 1, "value" : "Orange", "isChecked" : false},
        {"aid": 2, "value" : "Green", "isChecked" : false},
        {"aid": 3, "value" : "Blue", "isChecked" : false},
        {"aid": 4, "value" : "Pink", "isChecked" : false}
      "id": "3",
      "header": "Animal",
      "question": "Which animal do you like?", 
      "answer": [
        {"aid": 0, "value" : "Monkey", "isChecked" : false},
        {"aid": 1, "value" : "Dog", "isChecked" : false},
        {"aid": 2, "value" : "Cat", "isChecked" : false},
        {"aid": 3, "value" : "Cow", "isChecked" : false}       


<div ng-init="init()">
<div class="module">
  <div class="module-head">
    <center><h3> <b>Evaluation</b> </h3></center>
  <div class="module-body" >
      <div> Questionnaire About the Project/Initiative</div>
      <form name="qForm" ng-submit="evaluate_Report(qForm.$valid)" novalidate>
        <div>Question Set</div>
      <div ng-repeat="myQuestion in questionnaire">
      <table id="personal_table" class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover" style="width:70%">                      
           <tr style="width:100%">                                  
            <th rowspan="{{questionnaire[$index].answer.length+1}}" scope="rowgroup"style="width:50%">
            <th  style="width:2%">:</th> 
            <th  style="width:48%">Tick all that apply  
               <div ng-show="qForm.$submitted && qForm.ansCheck.$error.required">
                Please select atleast one checkbox</div>
           <tr ng-repeat="answer in questionnaire[$index].answer">
            <td><input type="checkbox" name="ansCheck" ng-model="answer.isChecked" ng-change="selectAnswer($parent.$index, $index, answer)" ng-required="!anySelected($parent.$index,answer)" >                                                                  
            <td> {{answer.value}} </td>                                 
           <tr style="width:100%">                                  
            <td style="width:50%" id="q2">Special Notes</td>                             
            <td style="width:1%">:</td> 
            <td style="width:49%"><input type=text ng-model="personal_info_notes">
            {{myQuestion.notes}} </td>                          
       <button type=submit id="btn_evaluate">Evaluate Report</button>


app.controller('questionnaire', ['$scope','$http','$sce','$routeParams',function($scope, 
                                      $http, $sce, $routeParams) {

    $scope.questionAttempted = []; // an array containing question ids which are attempted
    $scope.questionAnswerAttempted=[];//an array containing answers which are checked    

            $scope.questionnaire = questionnaireData.data; 

    $scope.selectAnswer = function(qIndex, aIndex, selectedAnswer)
        var selectedIndex = $scope.questionAnswerAttempted.indexOf(selectedAnswer.value);  
        var selectedQuestion= $scope.questionAttempted.indexOf(qIndex);  

        if(selectedIndex == -1 && selectedAnswer.isChecked){        
            if(selectedQuestion == -1){
        }else if(!selectedAnswer.isChecked && selectedIndex != -1){
             var  aLength = $scope.questionnaire[qIndex].answer.length;      
                //Remove the question id from the questionAttempted array only if none of the answers are checked.
            if(aLength >0){
                            console.log("Atleast one answer is checked for this question. 
                       So no of questions attempted remains same:" + $scope.questionAttempted.length);  
                           flag = false;
                           flag = true;                                                    
                          console.log("No answers are checked for this question. So removing it");   
                          console.log("No of questions attempted after splicing:" + $scope.questionAttempted.length);


    // For ng-required attribute of checkboxes. Should return 'true' for attempted question and 'false' for unattempted question
    $scope.anySelected = function(qIndex,answer){
        var qaLength =$scope.questionAttempted.length;
          if(qaLength > 0){
              for(var q = 0; q < qaLength ; q++){                  
                  if($scope.questionAttempted[q] == qIndex ){  
                       return true;
                      return false;
              return false;

      $scope.evaluate_Report = function(isValid)
              alert('Form is valid');
              alert('Form is Incomplete');


    app.controller('questionnaire', ['$scope','$http','$sce','$routeParams',function($scope, $http, $sce, $routeParams) {

        $scope.questionAttempted = []; // an array containing question ids which are attempted
        $scope.questionAnswerAttempted=[];//an array containing answers which are checked    
                $scope.questionnaire = questionnaireData.data; 
        $scope.selectAnswer = function(qIndex, aIndex, selectedAnswer)
            var selectedIndex = $scope.questionAnswerAttempted.indexOf(selectedAnswer.value);  
            var selectedQuestion= $scope.questionAttempted.indexOf(qIndex);  
            if(selectedIndex == -1 && selectedAnswer.isChecked){		
                if(selectedQuestion == -1){
            }else if(!selectedAnswer.isChecked && selectedIndex != -1){
                 var  aLength = $scope.questionnaire[qIndex].answer.length;      
    				//Remove the question id from the questionAttempted array only if none of the answers are checked.
                if(aLength >0){
                                console.log("Atleast one answer is checked for this question. So no of questions attempted remains same:" + $scope.questionAttempted.length);  
                               flag = false;
                               flag = true;                                                    
                              console.log("No answers are checked for this question. So removing it");   
                              console.log("No of questions attempted after splicing:" + $scope.questionAttempted.length);
    	// For ng-required attribute of checkboxes. Should return 'true' for attempted question and 'false' for unattempted question
        $scope.anySelected = function(qIndex,answer){
            var qaLength =$scope.questionAttempted.length;
              if(qaLength > 0){
                  for(var q = 0; q < qaLength ; q++){                  
                      if($scope.questionAttempted[q] == qIndex ){  
                           return true;
                          return false;
                  return false;
          $scope.evaluate_Report = function(isValid)
                  alert('Form is valid');
                  alert('Form is Incomplete');
    .module {
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    .module-body {
    	padding: 15px;
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    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
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    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css">  
      <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/theme.css"> 
    <body ng-app="app">
    <div ng-init="init()">
    <div class="module">
      <div class="module-head">
        <center><h3> <b>Evaluation</b> </h3></center>
      <div class="module-body" >
          <div> Questionnaire About the Project/Initiative</div>
          <form name="qForm" ng-submit="evaluate_Report(qForm.$valid)" novalidate>
            <div>Question Set</div>
          <div ng-repeat="myQuestion in questionnaire">
    	  <table id="personal_table" class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover" style="width:70%">                      
                            <tr style="width:100%">                                  
                                <th rowspan="{{questionnaire[$index].answer.length+1}}" scope="rowgroup"style="width:50%">{{myQuestion.question}}</th>      		                 
                                <th  style="width:2%">:</th> 
                                <th  style="width:48%">Tick all that apply  <div ng-show="qForm.$submitted && qForm.ansCheck.$error.required">Please select atleast one checkbox</div>                                                                      </th> 
                             <tr ng-repeat="answer in questionnaire[$index].answer">
                             <td><input type="checkbox" name="ansCheck" ng-model="answer.isChecked" ng-change="selectAnswer($parent.$index, $index, answer)" ng-required="!anySelected($parent.$index,answer)" >
                                 </td><td> {{answer.value}} </td>                                 
                             <tr style="width:100%">                                  
                                <td style="width:50%" id="q2">Special Notes</td>      		                 
                                <td style="width:1%">:</td> 
                                <td style="width:49%"><input type=text ng-model="personal_info_notes">{{myQuestion.notes}} </td>							
           <center><button type=submit id="btn_evaluate">Evaluate Report</button></center>
      <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script src= "scripts/core/angular/angular.js"></script>
    <script src= "scripts/core/angular/angular-route.js"></script>
    <script src="bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>  
      <script src="scripts/controllers/questionnaire.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

0 个答案:
