
时间:2016-01-20 13:39:24

标签: r ggplot2 mapping ggmap



m<-get_map(location=c(lon=10.6858397, lat=32.7996318), zoom=7, color="bw")

ggmap(m, extent = "normal") +
  geom_point(aes(x = Long, y = Lat, colour = Species, size = 2), data = test)


Button[] Tombol = new Button[]{B1, B2, B3}
int counterbutton = 0;
foreach (Button btn in Tombol) //I have problem here. I don't know how to solve
  if(btn.BackColor == Color.Red)

Trapping locations on a map


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

知道了!一旦你知道在哪里看,就会轻松自如; - )


> library(doBy)
> tdata<-summaryBy(test~Location+Species+Long+Lat, data=test, FUN=length)
> tdata

    Location  Species      Long      Lat test.length
1  Location1 Species1  7.555380 33.79994           1
2  Location1 Species1  7.564263 33.81079           1
3  Location1 Species1  7.584970 33.77976           1
4  Location1 Species2  7.542248 33.79943           3
5  Location1 Species2  7.555380 33.79994           1
6  Location1 Species2  7.562118 33.79340           1
7  Location2 Species1 13.834581 32.72319          20
8  Location2 Species1 13.857541 32.71680           3
9  Location3 Species2 11.377850 33.20891           5
10 Location4 Species1 13.179328 32.83438          14

> ggmap(m, extent = "normal") +
+     geom_point(aes(x = Long, y = Lat, colour = Species, size = test.length), data = data)

Map of trapping locations where the size of each point now corresponds to the number of samples from each location
