
时间:2016-01-25 04:26:14

标签: c# winforms datagridview


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dataGridOne.CellEndEdit += DataGridOne_CellEndEdit;



private void DataGridOne_CellEndEdit(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
    // ColumnName = the Name of the Shipping Container Column
    if (dataGridOne.Columns[e.ColumnIndex] == dataGridOne.Columns["ColumnName"])
        Dictionary<string, int> sums = new Dictionary<string, int>();

        // For each row that's not the new row in dataGridOne
        //     key = the value in cell["ColumnName"] of the row (i.e. "Mega Bags")
        //     if sums contains the key, increment sums value
        //     else sums value is 1

        // For each row that's not the new row in dataGridTwo
        //     key = the value in cell["ColumnName"] of the row (i.e. "Mega Bags")
        //     if sums contains the key, set the cell value to sums value
        //     else set the cell value to 0
        //     remove the key from sums

        // For each remaining KeyValuePair in sums
        //     add a new row to dataGridTwo using (key, CRIS ID, value)

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 private void cellEditEnding(object sender, DataGridCellEditEndingEventArgs e)
        //Only handles cases where the cell contains a TextBox
        var editedTextbox = e.EditingElement as TextBox;

        if (editedTextbox != null)
             //your logic of quntity
             grid2.rows[grdi.rowcount-1].cell["Cell Name"].value=qty;
