JAX-RS:ParamConverterProvider rawType mismatch

时间:2016-02-02 00:20:40

标签: java rest jax-rs


public Response bookAppointment(@FormParam("date") Date appDate,
        @FormParam("time") Time appTime, @FormParam("type") String appType,
        @FormParam("clientName") String clientName, @FormParam("email") String clientEmail,
        @DefaultValue("") @FormParam("message") String clientMsg) {
    //externalize the validation of all fields to concentrate on "positive"
    //scenario only
    validator(appDate, appType, clientName, clientEmail);
    Appointment appointment = build(appDate, appTime, appType,clientName, 
                clientEmail, clientMsg);
    try {
        return Response.ok(appointment).build();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new InternalServerErrorException("Something happened in the application "
                + "and this apointment could not get saved. Please contact us "
                + "to inform us of this issue.");

正如您可能看到的两个Endpoint方法属性是Java对象(sql.Timesql.Date)。要从来自客户端的字符串转换它们,我正在使用{Burke的 Restful Java with JAX-RS (p.70-71)中所教导的ParamConverterProvider Stack Overflow question

我正在使用Postman chrome附加组件来发送请求,如果时间和日期我发送valueOf()和{sql.Date构建器方法的完整字符串必需属性,一切正常并且花花公子1}}(分别为sql.Timeyyyy-MM-dd)。但是,当我在没有秒数的情况下发送时间时,我会收到带有通用消息的404异常。

这是我从邮递员发送的内容: enter image description here




public class SqlTimeConverterProvider implements ParamConverterProvider {
    public <T> ParamConverter<T> getConverter(Class<T> rawType, Type genericType, Annotation[] annotations) {
        if (rawType.equals(Time.class)) {
            return new ParamConverter<T>() {

                public T fromString(String value) {
                    //in case the ParamConverter does not do URI deconding
                    value = value.replaceAll("%3A", ":");
                    if (value.length() < 6) {
                        value = value.concat(":00");
                    if (!value.matches("([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]"
                            + "(:[0-5][0-9])*")) {
                        throw new BadRequestException(value + " is not an accepted Time format "
                                + "please use this pattern: hh:mm:SS");
                    return rawType.cast(Time.valueOf(value));

                public String toString(T value) {
                    Time timeRepr = (Time) value;
                    if (timeRepr.toLocalTime().getMinute() < 10) {
                        String reply = timeRepr.toLocalTime().getHour()+":"
                        return reply.concat("0");
                    return timeRepr.toLocalTime().toString();

        return null;

&#39;跳过&#39;将断点移动到返回null ,并为Date转换器提供程序重复相同的操作。由于我仔细地遵循了本书中的例子,我不确定为什么System.out.println("SqlTimeConverterProvider"); if (rawType.equals(Time.class)) { 被评估为假

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