
时间:2016-02-02 07:57:31

标签: arrays numpy vectorization distance


import numpy as np
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
from sklearn.neighbors import radius_neighbors_graph

RADIUS = 0.025
points = np.array([
    [13.2043373032, 52.3818529896],
    [13.0530692845, 52.3991668707],
    [13.229309674, 52.3840231],
    [13.489018081, 52.4180538095],
    [13.3209738098, 52.6375963146],
    [13.0160362703, 52.4187139243],
    [13.0448485, 52.4143229343],
    [13.32478977, 52.5090253],
    [13.35514839, 52.5219323867],
    [13.1982523828, 52.3592620828]

tree = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=2, radius=RADIUS, leaf_size=30, algorithm="auto", n_jobs=1).fit(points)
nnGraph = radius_neighbors_graph(tree, RADIUS, mode='distance', include_self=False)

print nnGraph

(0, 9)        0.0233960536484
(1, 6)        0.0172420289306
(6, 1)        0.0172420289306
(9, 0)        0.0233960536484

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您可以使用pdist中的squareformscipy.spatial.distance作为矢量化解决方案,就像这样 -

from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform

# Get pairwise euclidean distances              
dists = squareform(pdist(points))

# Get valid distances mask and the corresponding indices
mask = dists < RADIUS
idx = np.argwhere(mask)

# Present indices and corresponding distances as zipped output
out = zip(map(tuple,idx),dists[idx[:,0],idx[:,1]])

示例运行 -

In [91]: RADIUS
Out[91]: 0.025

In [92]: points
array([[ 13.2043373 ,  52.38185299],
       [ 13.05306928,  52.39916687],
       [ 13.22930967,  52.3840231 ],
       [ 13.48901808,  52.41805381],
       [ 13.32097381,  52.63759631],
       [ 13.01603627,  52.41871392],
       [ 13.0448485 ,  52.41432293],
       [ 13.32478977,  52.5090253 ],
       [ 13.35514839,  52.52193239],
       [ 13.19825238,  52.35926208]])

In [93]: out
[((0, 9), 0.023396053648436933),
 ((1, 6), 0.017242028930573985),
 ((6, 1), 0.017242028930573985),
 ((9, 0), 0.023396053648436933)]

答案 1 :(得分:0)

对于小点数(&lt; 50),使用复数更快一点。在另一篇文章中找到了这个:Efficiently Calculating a Euclidean Distance Matrix Using Numpy

pointsCmplx = np.array([points[...,0] + 1j * points[...,1]])
dists = abs(pointsCmplx.T - pointsCmplx)


# overlapping points
points = np.array([
    [13.2043373032, 52.3818529896],
    [13.0530692845, 52.3991668707],
    [13.229309674, 52.3840231],
    [13.489018081, 52.4180538095],
    [13.3209738098, 52.6375963146],
    [13.0160362703, 52.4187139243],
    [13.0448485, 52.4143229343],
    [13.32478977, 52.5090253],
    [13.35514839, 52.5219323867],
    [13.1982523828, 52.3592620828],
    [13.1982523828, 52.3592620830]       # nearly identical

dists = squareform(pdist(points))
mask = dists < RADIUS

# delete lower triangular matrix
mask = np.triu(mask)
idx = np.argwhere(mask)

# delete the target ids
idx = idx[:,1]   
points = np.delete(points, idx, 0)