Permission denied for creating a search index GAE Geoespacial Query

时间:2016-02-03 03:04:07

标签: java android google-app-engine geospatial google-cloud-datastore

I have include the Geoespacial Query to check if a GeoPt is inside a Circle and I have created a index for it. When I try to deploy it to GAE, I'm getting the following error:

Creating an index failed for entity_type: "MyEntity" ancestor: falseProperty {  name: "name"}Property {  name: "location"  mode: 3}: Permission denied for creating a search index

this is the code that I'm Executing

        GeoPt center = new GeoPt((float) pLatitude, (float) pLongitude);
        double radius = pDistanceKM*1000;
        Query.Filter f = new StContainsFilter("location", new Circle(center, radius));
        items =  ofy().load().type(MyEntity.class).filter(f).filter("name", tmpName).list();

I have created an index according to the documentation:

This is my index:

    <datastore-index kind="MyEntity"  source="manual">
    <property name="name" />
    <property name="location" mode="geospatial"/>

Does anyone have any idea of what it could be this permission?

Using Java and Android Studio.

Ps: When I try to execute the code, the Logging in the GAE suggest me an index identical as my index invokeServiceMethod: exception occurred while calling backend method no matching index found. The suggested index for this query is:
<datastore-index kind="MyEntity"  source="manual">
    <property name="name" />
    <property name="location" mode="geospatial"/>

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

数据存储的地理空间搜索是Alpha release,目前已达到容量。看看错误,看起来你不是Alpha程序的一部分。

