Facebook API PHP - 帖子' created_time'数据无法正常显示

时间:2016-02-03 17:28:17

标签: php facebook facebook-graph-api

我正在使用PHP制作Facebook应用程序。通过Facebook API,应用程序显示登录用户的最新帖子。在检索每个帖子的created_time时,我发现它既没有显示任何内容,也没有显示1970-01-01T00:00:00+0000。 (这可以在下面的图片中看到。)即使我使用DateTime,这也是如此。



$ts = strtotime($key['created_time']);
$myTime = gmdate(DATE_ISO8601, $ts);


前端示例 A front-end example

图表API资源管理器 A Graph API Explorer example



    // Getting all posts published by user
    try {
        $posts_request = $fb->get('/me/posts?fields=id,created_time,message,link,picture,name&limit=7');
        $posts_response = $posts_request->getGraphEdge();
    } catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
        // When Graph returns an error
        echo 'Graph returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
    } catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
        // When validation fails or other local issues
        echo 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();

    if ($fb->next($posts_response))  {
        $total_posts = $posts_response->asArray();
        $totalPosts = count($total_posts);

        // Form - Post
            echo "<p><strong>* With this text box below, you can post to your Facebook Profile about your experience using this application if you wish. Once submitted, this post will then also appear in the list of your other posts below.</strong></p>";
            echo "<form action='posttouserstimeline.php' method='post'>";
            echo "<textarea name='description' class='posts'></textarea>";
            echo "<br><br>";
            echo "<input type='submit' class='webbutton' value='Post to Facebook'>";
            echo "</form>";
            echo "<br>";
            echo "<p><strong>* Below are your '5' most resent posts, from your Facebook Profile</strong></p>";

            //$date = new DateTime($key['created_time']);

        foreach($total_posts as $key) {

            $ts = strtotime($key['created_time']);
            $myTime = gmdate(DATE_ISO8601, $ts);

            echo "Time and Date of Post: ".$myTime."<br>";
            echo "<img class='postsprofile' alt='profilepic' src='".$picture['url']."'/> <a href='https://facebook.com/".$profile['id']."' target='_blank'>".$profile['name']."</a><br>";
            echo $key['message'].'<br><br>';
             echo "<a href='".$key['link']."' target='_blank'><img class='postsprofile' alt='".$key['name']."' src='".$key['picture']."'/></a><br><hr><br>";

            //echo "<img class='postsprofile' alt='".$key['name']."' src='".$key['picture']."'/><br>";
            //echo "<a href='".$key['link']."' target='_blank'>".$key['link']."</a><br><hr><br>";

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


var fuzzyFacebookTime = (function(){

    // time display options
    relativeTime : 48,
    // language options
    monthNames : ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'],
    amPm : ['AM', 'PM'],
    ordinalSuffix : function(n) {return ['th','st','nd','rd'][n<4 || (n>20 && n % 10<4) ? n % 10 : 0]}

  function fuzzyTime (timeValue, options) {

    var options=options||fuzzyTime.defaultOptions, 
        delta=parseInt(((new Date()).getTime()-date.getTime())/1000),
        cutoff=+relative===relative ? relative*60*60 : Infinity;

    if (relative===false || delta>cutoff)
      return formatTime(date, options)+' '+formatDate(date, options);

    if (delta<60) return 'less than a minute ago';
    var minutes=parseInt(delta/60 +0.5);
    if (minutes <= 1) return 'about a minute ago';
    var hours=parseInt(minutes/60 +0.5);
    if (hours<1) return minutes+' minutes ago';
    if (hours==1) return 'about an hour ago';
    var days=parseInt(hours/24 +0.5);
    if (days<1) return hours+' hours ago';
    if (days==1) return formatTime(date, options)+' yesterday';
    var weeks=parseInt(days/7 +0.5);
    if (weeks<2) return formatTime(date, options)+' '+days+' days ago';
    var months=parseInt(weeks/4.34812141 +0.5);
    if (months<2) return weeks+' weeks ago';
    var years=parseInt(months/12 +0.5);
    if (years<2) return months+' months ago';
    return years+' years ago';

  function parseDate (str) {
    var v=str.replace(/[T\+]/g,' ').split(' ');
    return new Date(Date.parse(v[0] + " " + v[1] + " UTC"));

  function formatTime (date, options) {
    var h=date.getHours(), m=''+date.getMinutes(), am=options.amPm;
    return (h>12 ? h-12 : h)+':'+(m.length==1 ? '0' : '' )+m+' '+(h<12 ? am[0] : am[1]);

  function formatDate (date, options) {
    var mon=options.monthNames[date.getMonth()],
        thisyear=(new Date()).getFullYear(),

    return mon+' '+day+suf+(thisyear!=year ? ', '+year : '');

  return fuzzyTime;


来源: http://tipsandtricks.nogoodatcoding.com/2011/02/facebook-createdtime-format-in-json.html
