
时间:2008-12-09 09:19:34

标签: algorithm functional-programming clojure combinatorics



有这样的算法吗?我见过的大多数排列生成算法都倾向于一次性生成它们(通常是递归的),它们不能扩展到非常大的集合。 Clojure(或其他函数式语言)中的实现会很有帮助,但我可以从伪代码中找出它。

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:134)

是的,一个“下一个排列”算法,它也很简单。 C ++标准模板库(STL)甚至有一个名为next_permutation的函数。

该算法实际上找到 next 排列 - 按字典顺序排列下一个排列。这个想法是这样的:假设给你一个序列,比如“32541”。下一个排列是什么?


  • 没有办法保持“32”固定并在“541”部分中找到后来的排列,因为该排列已经是5,4和1的最后一个 - 它按递减顺序排序。
  • 所以你必须将“2”更改为更大的东西 - 实际上,要比“541”部分中的最小数字更大,即4。
  • 现在,一旦您确定排列将以“34”开头,其余数字应按递增顺序排列,因此答案为“34125”。


  1. 找到按降序排序的最长“尾部”。 (“541”部分。)
  2. 将尾部前面的数字(“2”)更改为比尾部(4)更大的数字。
  3. 按递增顺序排序尾部。
  4. 只要前一个元素不小于当前元素,您就可以通过从结尾开始并向后返回来有效地执行(1.)。您可以通过将“4”与“2”交换来执行(2.),因此您将拥有“34521”。一旦执行此操作,您可以避免使用(3.)的排序算法,因为尾部是,现在仍然(想想这个),按递减顺序排序,所以只需要反转。

    C ++代码就是这样做的(查看系统/usr/include/c++/4.0.0/bits/stl_algo.h中的来源,或查看this article);将它翻译成您的语言应该很简单:[如果您不熟悉C ++迭代器,请将“BidirectionalIterator”读作“指针”。如果没有下一个排列,则代码返回false,即我们已经按降序排列。]

    template <class BidirectionalIterator>
    bool next_permutation(BidirectionalIterator first,
                          BidirectionalIterator last) {
        if (first == last) return false;
        BidirectionalIterator i = first;
        if (i == last) return false;
        i = last;
        for(;;) {
            BidirectionalIterator ii = i--;
            if (*i <*ii) {
                BidirectionalIterator j = last;
                while (!(*i <*--j));
                iter_swap(i, j);
                reverse(ii, last);
                return true;
            if (i == first) {
                reverse(first, last);
                return false;

    似乎每个排列可能花费O(n)时间,但如果你仔细考虑它,你可以证明所有排列总共需要O(n!)时间,所以只有O(1) ) - 恒定时间 - 每个排列。


答案 1 :(得分:41)


  1. 将元素的一个排列转换为下一个排列(如ShreevatsaR发布的那样),或
  2. 直接计算n排列,同时将n从0向上计算。
  3. 对于那些不喜欢c ++作为本地人的人(如我;-),方法1可以从以下伪代码实现,假设在“左”上的索引为零的数组的零索引(替代)其他一些结构,例如列表,“留作练习”; - ):

    1. scan the array from right-to-left (indices descending from N-1 to 0)
    1.1. if the current element is less than its right-hand neighbor,
         call the current element the pivot,
         and stop scanning
    1.2. if the left end is reached without finding a pivot,
         reverse the array and return
         (the permutation was the lexicographically last, so its time to start over)
    2. scan the array from right-to-left again,
       to find the rightmost element larger than the pivot
       (call that one the successor)
    3. swap the pivot and the successor
    4. reverse the portion of the array to the right of where the pivot was found
    5. return


    1. scanning from the right finds A as the pivot in position 1
    2. scanning again finds B as the successor in position 3
    3. swapping pivot and successor gives CBDA
    4. reversing everything following position 1 (i.e. positions 2..3) gives CBAD
    5. CBAD is the next permutation after CADB


    To find permutation x of array A, where A has N elements:
    0. if A has one element, return it
    1. set p to ( x / (N-1)! ) mod N
    2. the desired permutation will be A[p] followed by
       permutation ( x mod (N-1)! )
       of the elements remaining in A after position p is removed


    perm 13 of ABCD: {p = (13 / 3!) mod 4 = (13 / 6) mod 4 = 2; ABCD[2] = C}
    C followed by perm 1 of ABD {because 13 mod 3! = 13 mod 6 = 1}
      perm 1 of ABD: {p = (1 / 2!) mod 3 = (1 / 2) mod 2 = 0; ABD[0] = A}
      A followed by perm 1 of BD {because 1 mod 2! = 1 mod 2 = 1}
        perm 1 of BD: {p = (1 / 1!) mod 2 = (1 / 1) mod 2 = 1; BD[1] = D}
        D followed by perm 0 of B {because 1 mod 1! = 1 mod 1 = 0}
          B (because there's only one element)



答案 2 :(得分:3)

您应该查看wikipeda上的Permutations article。此外,还有Factoradic数字的概念。



答案 3 :(得分:3)



  1. 使用Fike的算法,这是最知名的算法。
  2. 将Algo用于Lexographic订单。
  3. 使用非透视图,但比第2项运行得更快。
  4. 1

    PROGRAM TestFikePerm;
    CONST marksize = 5;
        marks : ARRAY [1..marksize] OF INTEGER;
        ii : INTEGER;
        permcount : INTEGER;
    PROCEDURE WriteArray;
    VAR i : INTEGER;
    FOR i := 1 TO marksize
    DO Write ;
    permcount := permcount + 1;
    PROCEDURE FikePerm ;
    {Outputs permutations in nonlexicographic order.  This is Fike.s algorithm}
    { with tuning by J.S. Rohl.  The array marks[1..marksizn] is global.  The   }
    { procedure WriteArray is global and displays the results.  This must be}
    { evoked with FikePerm(2) in the calling procedure.}
        dn, dk, temp : INTEGER;
    THEN BEGIN { swap the pair }
        temp :=marks[marksize];
        FOR dn :=  DOWNTO 1
        DO BEGIN
            marks[marksize] := marks[dn];
            marks [dn] := temp;
            marks[dn] := marks[marksize]
        marks[marksize] := temp;
        END {of bottom level sequence }
        temp := marks[k];
        FOR dk :=  DOWNTO 1
        DO BEGIN
            marks[k] := marks[dk];
            marks[dk][ := temp;
            marks[dk] := marks[k];
            END; { of loop on dk }
        marks[k] := temp;l
        END { of sequence for other levels }
    END; { of FikePerm procedure }
    BEGIN { Main }
    FOR ii := 1 TO marksize
    DO marks[ii] := ii;
    permcount := 0;
    WriteLn ;
    FikePerm ; { It always starts with 2 }
    WriteLn ;


    PROGRAM TestLexPerms;
    CONST marksize = 5;
        marks : ARRAY [1..marksize] OF INTEGER;
        ii : INTEGER;
        permcount : INTEGER;

    PROCEDURE WriteArray; VAR i : INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i := 1 TO marksize DO Write ; permcount := permcount + 1; WriteLn; END;

    PROCEDURE LexPerm ; { Outputs permutations in lexicographic order. The array marks is global } { and has n or fewer marks. The procedure WriteArray () is global and } { displays the results. } VAR work : INTEGER: mp, hlen, i : INTEGER; BEGIN IF THEN BEGIN { Swap the pair } work := marks[1]; marks[1] := marks[2]; marks[2] := work; WriteArray ; END ELSE BEGIN FOR mp := DOWNTO 1 DO BEGIN LexPerm<>; hlen := DIV 2; FOR i := 1 TO hlen DO BEGIN { Another swap } work := marks[i]; marks[i] := marks[n - i]; marks[n - i] := work END; work := marks[n]; { More swapping } marks[n[ := marks[mp]; marks[mp] := work; WriteArray; END; LexPerm<> END; END;

    BEGIN { Main } FOR ii := 1 TO marksize DO marks[ii] := ii; permcount := 1; { The starting position is permutation } WriteLn < Starting position: >; WriteLn LexPerm ; WriteLn < PermCount is , permcount>; ReadLn; END.


    PROGRAM TestAllPerms;
    CONST marksize = 5;
        marks : ARRAY [1..marksize] of INTEGER;
        ii : INTEGER;
        permcount : INTEGER;

    PROCEDURE WriteArray; VAR i : INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i := 1 TO marksize DO Write ; WriteLn; permcount := permcount + 1; END;

    PROCEDURE AllPerm (n : INTEGER); { Outputs permutations in nonlexicographic order. The array marks is } { global and has n or few marks. The procedure WriteArray is global and } { displays the results. } VAR work : INTEGER; mp, swaptemp : INTEGER; BEGIN IF THEN BEGIN { Swap the pair } work := marks[1]; marks[1] := marks[2]; marks[2] := work; WriteArray; END ELSE BEGIN FOR mp := DOWNTO 1 DO BEGIN ALLPerm<< n - 1>>; IF > THEN swaptemp := 1 ELSE swaptemp := mp; work := marks[n]; marks[n] := marks[swaptemp}; marks[swaptemp} := work; WriteArray; AllPerm< n-1 >; END; END;

    BEGIN { Main } FOR ii := 1 TO marksize DO marks[ii] := ii permcount :=1; WriteLn < Starting position; >; WriteLn; Allperm < marksize>; WriteLn < Perm count is , permcount>; ReadLn; END.

答案 4 :(得分:2)
