
时间:2016-02-06 18:00:06

标签: c merge mergesort doubly-linked-list circular-list

我正在尝试合并C中的列表排序。我看到代码here on French Wikipedia但是它给了我一个不正确的列表(即没有排序)。该功能虽然编译得很完美。请注意,我并没有真正使用top,我可能会很快将其从结构中删除。你能帮我弄清楚这段代码有什么问题吗?我不得不将它从算法伪代码翻译成C代码。 谢谢。

P是未排序的输入列表。 n是列表的长度。

typedef struct s_stack t_stack;

struct s_stack {
    int     nbr;
    int     top;
    struct s_stack  *previous;
    struct s_stack  *next;

typedef t_stack *Pile;

t_stack *merge_sort(Pile p, int n) {
    Pile    q;
    int     Q;
    int     P;

    q = NULL;
    Q = n / 2;
    P = n - Q;

    if (P >= 2) {
        q = merge_sort(p, P);
        if (Q >= 2)
            p = merge_sort(q, Q);
    } else {
        q = p->next;
    q = fusion(p, P, q, Q);
    return (q);

t_stack *fusion(Pile p, int P, Pile q, int Q) {
    t_stack *tmp;

    tmp = NULL;
    while (1) {
        if (p->next->nbr > q->next->nbr) {
            /* my input list (not sorted) is circular and 
            I checked it is well linked ! This is the reason 
            why I need to do all that stuff with the nodes 
            It is basically supposed to move the node q->next
            after node p */

            tmp = q->next;
            q->next = tmp->next;
            q->next->previous = q;
            tmp->previous = p;
            tmp->next = p->next;
            p->next->previous = tmp;
            p->next = tmp;

            if (Q == 1)
            Q = Q - 1;
        } else {
            if (P == 1) {
                while (Q >= 1) {
                    q = q->next;
                    Q = Q - 1;
            P = P - 1;
        p = p->next;
    return (q);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


  • merge_sort应该将列表分成两半并递归,除非 这份清单很简单。
  • fusion必须使用3个阶段:通过取最小值来合并列表 每个列表中的元素,然后附加第一个列表的其余部分 列表,最后在第二个列表中附加剩余元素。
  • 隐藏typedef s后面的指针通常是个坏主意 使代码的可读性降低。

以下是具有main功能的更正版本,供测试使用 命令行参数。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct s_stack t_stack;

struct s_stack {
    int     nbr;
    int     top;
    struct s_stack  *previous;
    struct s_stack  *next;

t_stack *fusion(t_stack *p, int P, t_stack *q, int Q) {
    t_stack *s;
    t_stack *e;

    s = NULL;
    while (P > 0 && Q > 0) {
        if (p->nbr <= q->nbr) {
            /* select element from p list */
            e = p;
            p = p->next;
        } else {
            /* select element from q list */
            e = q;
            q = q->next;
        /* detach e */
        e->previous->next = e->next;
        e->next->previous = e->previous;
        e->next = e->previous = e;
        if (s == NULL) {
            s = e;
        } else {
            /* insert e after s */
            e->previous = s->previous;
            e->next = s;
            s->previous->next = e;
            s->previous = e;
    if (P > 0) {
        /* insert p at the end of s */
        if (s == NULL) {
            s = p;
        }  else {
            /* insert p after s */
            e = p->previous; /* end element of p */
            p->previous = s->previous;
            e->next = s;
            s->previous->next = p;
            s->previous = e;
    if (Q > 0) {
        /* insert q at the end of s */
        if (s == NULL) {
            s = q;
        }  else {
            /* insert q after s */
            e = q->previous; /* end element of p */
            q->previous = s->previous;
            e->next = s;
            s->previous->next = q;
            s->previous = e;
    return s;

t_stack *merge_sort(t_stack *s, int S) {
    t_stack *p;
    t_stack *q;
    int     P;
    int     Q;

    if (S < 2) {
        /* single or no elements, already sorted */
        return s;

    /* split p in 2 halves: p[0..P] and q[0..Q] */
    for (q = p = s, P = 0, Q = S; P < Q; P++, Q--) {
        q = q->next;

    p = merge_sort(p, P);
    q = merge_sort(q, Q);
    s = fusion(p, P, q, Q);
    return s;

t_stack *append(t_stack *s, int value) {
    t_stack *e = malloc(sizeof(*e));
    e->top = 0;
    e->nbr = value;
    e->next = e->previous = e;
    if (s == NULL) {
        s = e;
    } else {
        /* insert e after s */
        e->previous = s->previous;
        e->next = s;
        s->previous->next = e;
        s->previous = e;
    return s;

void print_stack(const char *legend, t_stack *s, int S) {
    printf("%s:", legend);
    while (S-- > 0) {
        printf(" %d", s->nbr);
        s = s->next;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    t_stack *s = NULL;
    int S = 0;
    int i;

    for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
        s = append(s, atoi(argv[i]));
    print_stack("original stack", s, S);
    s = merge_sort(s, S);
    print_stack("sorted stack", s, S);
    return 0;