Ionic App Lab预览

时间:2016-02-07 01:16:31

标签: html ionic-framework

当我使用ionic serve --lab预览this app时,图片在主页和菜单上显示正常,但不会显示在"关于我们"页面由于某种原因。显示每个"领导者的图像"在"关于我们"页面是完全相同的图像(" Alberto.png")正确显示在home.html底部附近

<ion-view view-title="About Us">
      <div class="card">
  <div class="item item-divider">
    Our History
    <div><p>Started in 2010, Ristorante con Fusion quickly established itself as a culinary icon par excellence in Hong Kong. With its unique brand of world fusion cuisine that can be found nowhere else, it enjoys patronage from the A-list clientele in Hong Kong.  Featuring four of the best three-star Michelin chefs in the world, you never know what will arrive on your plate the next time you visit us.

    The restaurant traces its humble beginnings to The Frying Pan, a successful chain started by our CEO, Mr. Peter Pan, that featured for the first time the world's best cuisines in a pan.
      <div class="card">
          <div class="item item-divider">
          <b>Corporate Leadership</b>    
          <ion-item ng-repeat="leader in leaders" class="list-inset">
          <div class="item item-thumbnail-left item-text-wrap">
               <img ng-src="{{baseURL+leader.image}}" alt="">
      <!-- below is a deprecated alternate attempt>
         <ion-list type="list-inset"> 
          <ion-item ng-repeat="leader in leaders" class="list-inset">
                        <div class="item item-body item-text-wrap">
              <img ng-src="{{baseURL+leader.image}}" alt="">      
              <br> {{}} 
              <br> {{leader.abbr}} 
              <br> {{leader.designation}} 
              <br> {{leader.description}}


应该是这样的: Goal

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