
时间:2016-02-10 20:49:59

标签: vb.net

我是VB的新手,需要我目前的学校作业帮助。作业的要点是使用程序选择案例来制作一个程序,该程序将提示用户回答7个短语的True或False并显示其结果。我有一个正确显示数字 numRight 的问题。当我运行它时,numRight最多只能达到2。


numRight = 2,实际上这些都是正确答案。


Public Class CIS14Lab4
'Publicly shared variables
Dim counter As Integer = 0
Dim numRight As Integer = 0

Private Sub btnMain_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnMain.Click
    counter += 1

    DisplayPhrase(counter) 'Used for displaying the phrase and adding to the numRight variable
    DisplayResult(numRight) 'Used for displaying the result to the user

    grpBoxTorF.Enabled = True
    radTrue.Checked = False
    radFalse.Checked = False

    lblDebugRight.Text = numRight 'Debugging purposes; displays numRight
End Sub

Sub DisplayPhrase(c As Integer)
    Select Case c 'Passed from counter
        Case 1 'True
            txtResult.Text = "1. The squeaky wheel gets the grease."
        Case 2 'True
            txtResult.Text = "2. Cry and you cry alone."
        Case 3 'False
            txtResult.Text = "3. Opposites attract."
        Case 4 'False
            txtResult.Text = "4. Spare the rod and spoil the child."
        Case 5 'True
            txtResult.Text = "5. Actions speak louder than words."
        Case 6 'False
            txtResult.Text = "6. Familiarity breeds contempt."
        Case 7 'True
            btnMain.Text = "Results:"
            txtResult.Text = "7. Marry in haste, repent at leisure."
    End Select
End Sub

Sub DisplayResult(r As Integer)
    If counter = 8 Then
        Select Case r 'Passed from numRight
            Case 7
                txtResult.Text = "Perfect 7/7!"
            Case 5 To 6
                txtResult.Text = "Excellent!"
            Case Is < 5
                txtResult.Text = "You might want to consider taking " &
                                 "Psychology 101."
        End Select
    End If
End Sub

Sub TrueRight() 'Sub proc for "True" answers that are correct.
    If radTrue.Checked Then
        numRight += 1
    End If
End Sub

Sub FalseRight() 'SUb proc for "False" answers that are correct
    If radFalse.Checked Then
        numRight += 1
    End If
End Sub

End Class

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

解决! @LarsTech想出了我的问题。这对我来说是一个简单的疏忽。只需移动&#34;计数器+ = 1&#34; 之后,程序允许它正确计数+正确添加数字。再次感谢!
