
时间:2016-02-12 16:15:47

标签: unity3d google-play-services google-play-games

我按照此处所述更新谷歌谷歌游戏服务:unity plugin,但我有以下错误:


Google.JarResolver.ResolutionException:无法找到com.google.android.gms的候选工件:play-services-games:8.4+     在Google.JarResolver.PlayServicesSupport.DependOn(System.String group,System.String artifact,System.String version)[0x00000] in:0     在GooglePlayGames.Editor.GPGSDependencies..cctor()[0x00024] /Users/gabriele/Documents/number777pro/number/Number777/Assets/GooglePlayGames/Editor/GPGSDependencies.cs:46   UnityEditor.EditorAssemblies:SetLoadedEditorAssemblies(大会[])


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:11)

It was solved by updating the following inside android sdk manager: 1. android support repository 2. Google Play services 3. Google Repository

FYI on a Mac...

Go to your Android tools directory which is likely here ..

cd /Users/ ... /Library/Android/android-sdk-macosx/tools

and run this

./android update sdk --no-ui

it will install a very large number of downloads (30 mins), including it looks like everything you need to resolve this problem.

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If you're a Unity-Mac user, it's likely you have not installed Android Studio, but rather only the various SDKs. In this way you can easily update, without bothering with Studio as such. Conversely if you just run


it will open the ever-handy AndroidSDKManager (ie, an actual gui app running on your Mac). You can then do it that way, if you know exactly what to install to get Play Services working, perhaps saving some downloads. Note that fortunately SDKManager can run on its own this way (no frickin' java on your Mac) without launching Studio.

Hope it helps someone.
