How is it possible to record revSpeak in LiveCode using version 7 on Windows 10?

时间:2016-02-12 19:29:55

标签: livecode

Below, I pasted the code I am trying to use in order to get LiveCode to record while the revSpeak command is speaking the words aloud from a text field, but I cannot get any recordings to appear on the desktop or anywhere. I know that there have been some longstanding audio recording issues with Windows in the past. Does anyone know if those issues are still there or if there is anything wrong with the script I am using? Is there possibly something wrong with the way I am using specialFolderPath?

As you can see, I even activated QuickTime in the suggested way but that still doesn't seem to help.

If the record sound function is just not possible yet in LiveCode 7, what would be the alternative to being able to record what is being said aloud when revSpeak is speaking whatever text is in a field?

on mouseUp
   put the qtVersion into tVersion -- Here, I am activating QT
   ask "Name This Sound Recording"
   put it into tRecordName
   ###set the recordInput to "imic" -- internal microphone
   ###set the recordInput to "dflt" -- default
   ###set the recordInput to "emic" -- external microphone
   set the recordCompression to "raw" -- default
   set the recordRate to 44.1 -- CD quality, default = 22.05
   set the recordChannels to 1 -- mono, 2 = stereo
   set the recordFormat to "wave"
   set the recordSampleSize to 16 -- 8 = default
   put the platform into tPlatform
   if tPlatform is "win32" then
      set the recordFormat to "wave"
      put ".wav" after tRecordName
      set the recordFormat to "aiff"
      put ".aif" after tRecordName
   end if
   record sound file (specialFolderPath("desktop") & slash & tRecordName)
   wait 6 ticks   
   revSpeak word 1 to -1 of field "talkingField"
end mouseUp

Any suggestions on how to make this happen or what would be a good alternative to recording the text being spoken will definitely be very appreciated.

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根据Audacity的说法,他们建议使用两种软件程序来解决这个问题。提到的第一个程序是SoundLeech,第二个程序(附带的链接粘贴在下面)是一个名为TotalRecorder的付费程序,它实际上有一个Windows 10版本。据说两者都直接从声源捕捉声音,这使得它比使用旧的立体声混音更高质量的录音:



干杯, Beachcomber Joe
