推送通知中的生产证书错误 - PushSharp

时间:2016-02-15 11:53:27

标签: ios certificate apple-push-notifications pushsharp


Apple Production iOS推送服务

然后,为了在App Store中发布我的应用程序,我开始使用app store帐户,无论我尝试什么,Apple都会创建以下名称的生产证书:


然后从SO开始,我发现Apple已经更改了证书中的命名。我的问题是,我在服务器端使用Push Sharp并且低于错误:


您已选择生产服务器,但您的证书没有   似乎是生产证书!请检查以确保您   有正确的证书!


我将Push Sharp从2.2更新到3.0 beta,得到了很多编译错误,即使PushSharp类本身也不存在,然后尝试了该线程的另一个解决方案。



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

您可以开始使用新的PushSharp 3.0.1稳定版本,它非常简单和棒棒。

首先你应该转到并删除所有pushsharp 2相关的dll:

  • PushSharp.Core
  • PushSharp.Apple
  • PushSharp.Android


  • Newtonsoft.Json.dll(会产生冲突,我会解释)

然后转到你的项目并打开nuget manager然后搜索PushSharp的最新稳定版本并下载它。

现在你应该使用一个新的Pushsharp 3 API,它有点不同但更简单,所以:


    public class AppPushBrokers
    public ApnsServiceBroker Apns { get; set; }
    public GcmServiceBroker Gcm { get; set; }
    public WnsServiceBroker wsb { get; set; }


然后在您的业务逻辑/ Controller / ViewModel等上,您需要编写PushNotification业务:

     public class NewPushHandler
        #region  Constants
        public const string ANDROID_SENDER_AUTH_TOKEN = "xxxx";
        public const string WINDOWS_PACKAGE_NAME = "yyyy";
        public const string WINDOWS_PACKAGE_SECURITY_IDENTIFIER = "zzzz";
        public const string WINDOWS_CLIENT_SECRET = "hhhh";
        public const string APPLE_APP_NAME = "yourappname";
        public const string APPLE_PUSH_CERT_PASS = "applecertpass";

        #region Private members

        bool useProductionCertificate;
        string appleCertificateType;
        String appleCertName;
        String appleCertPath;
        byte[] appCertData;

        // logger
        ILogger logger;

        // Config (1- Define Config for each platform)
        ApnsConfiguration apnsConfig;
        GcmConfiguration gcmConfig;
        WnsConfiguration wnsConfig;


        #region Constructor
        public NewPushHandler()
            // Initialize
            useProductionCertificate = true; // you can set it dynamically from config
            appleCertificateType = useProductionCertificate == true ? "production.p12" : "development.p12";
            appleCertName = APPLE_APP_NAME + "-" + appleCertificateType;
            appleCertPath = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Crt", appleCertName); // for web you should use HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(
            appCertData = File.ReadAllBytes(appleCertPath);
            var appleServerEnv = ApnsConfiguration.ApnsServerEnvironment.Production;
            logger = LoggerHandler.CreateInstance();

            // 2- Initialize Config
            apnsConfig = new ApnsConfiguration(appleServerEnv, appCertData, APPLE_PUSH_CERT_PASS);
            gcmConfig = new GcmConfiguration(ANDROID_SENDER_AUTH_TOKEN);


        #region Private Methods


        #region Public Methods

        public void SendNotificationToAll(string msg)
// 3- Create a broker dictionary
            var apps = new Dictionary<string, AppPushBrokers> { {"com.app.yourapp",
         new AppPushBrokers {
            Apns = new ApnsServiceBroker (apnsConfig),
            Gcm = new GcmServiceBroker (gcmConfig),
            wsb = new WnsServiceBroker(wnsConfig)

            #region Wire Up Events
// 4- events to fires onNotification sent or failure for each platform
            #region Android

            apps["com.app.yourapp"].Gcm.OnNotificationFailed += (notification, aggregateEx) =>

               aggregateEx.Handle(ex =>

                   // See what kind of exception it was to further diagnose
                   if (ex is GcmConnectionException)
                       // Something failed while connecting (maybe bad cert?)
                       Console.WriteLine("Notification Failed (Bad APNS Connection)!");
                       Console.WriteLine("Notification Failed (Unknown Reason)!");

                   // Mark it as handled
                   return true;

            apps["com.app.yourapp"].Gcm.OnNotificationSucceeded += (notification) =>
                //log success here or do what ever you want

            #region Apple
            apps["com.app.yourapp"].Apns.OnNotificationFailed += (notification, aggregateEx) =>

                aggregateEx.Handle(ex =>

                    // See what kind of exception it was to further diagnose
                    if (ex is ApnsNotificationException)
                        var apnsEx = ex as ApnsNotificationException;

                        // Deal with the failed notification
                        var n = apnsEx.Notification;
                        logger.Error("Notification Failed: ID={n.Identifier}, Code={apnsEx.ErrorStatusCode}");

                    else if (ex is ApnsConnectionException)
                        // Something failed while connecting (maybe bad cert?)
                        logger.Error("Notification Failed (Bad APNS Connection)!");

                        logger.Error("Notification Failed (Unknown Reason)!");


                    // Mark it as handled
                    return true;

            apps["com.app.yourapp"].Apns.OnNotificationSucceeded += (notification) =>
                Console.WriteLine("Notification Sent!");



            #region Prepare Notification

// 5- prepare the json msg for android and ios and any platform you want
            string notificationMsg = msg;
            string jsonMessage = @"{""message"":""" + notificationMsg +

            string appleJsonFormat = "{\"aps\": {\"alert\":" + '"' + notificationMsg + '"' + ",\"sound\": \"default\"}}";


            #region Start Send Notifications
// 6- start sending

            #region Queue a notification to send
// 7- Queue messages

            apps["com.app.yourapp"].Gcm.QueueNotification(new GcmNotification
// You can get this from database in real life scenarios 
                RegistrationIds = new List<string> {
                Data = JObject.Parse(jsonMessage),
                Notification = JObject.Parse(jsonMessage)

            apps["com.app.yourapp"].Apns.QueueNotification(new ApnsNotification
                DeviceToken = "iiiiiii",
                Payload = JObject.Parse(appleJsonFormat)



            #region Stop Sending Notifications
            //8- Stop the broker, wait for it to finish   
            // This isn't done after every message, but after you're
            // done with the broker







这是由于许多原因,例如您的应用池用户权限或安装在用户帐户而不是本地计算机上的证书,因此请尝试禁用iis的模拟身份验证,同时检查它是否真的有用{{3 }}

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我的脏快速修复是下载PushSharp v2.2的源代码,然后在文件ApplePushChannelSettings.cs中注释了有关生产和测试证书的检查:

        void CheckProductionCertificateMatching(bool production)
        if (this.Certificate != null)
            var issuerName = this.Certificate.IssuerName.Name;
            var subjectName = this.Certificate.SubjectName.Name;

            if (!issuerName.Contains("Apple"))
                throw new ArgumentException("Your Certificate does not appear to be issued by Apple!  Please check to ensure you have the correct certificate!");

            if (production && !subjectName.Contains("Apple Production IOS Push Services"))
                throw new ArgumentException("You have selected the Production server, yet your Certificate does not appear to be the Production certificate!  Please check to ensure you have the correct certificate!");

            if (!production && !subjectName.Contains("Apple Development IOS Push Services") && !subjectName.Contains("Pass Type ID"))
                    throw new ArgumentException("You have selected the Development/Sandbox (Not production) server, yet your Certificate does not appear to be the Development/Sandbox certificate!  Please check to ensure you have the correct certificate!");                
            throw new ArgumentNullException("You must provide a Certificate to connect to APNS with!");


希望我的客户将升级到dotnet 4.5,这样我们就可以使用PushSharp 4并以正确的方式进行操作。
