时间:2016-02-15 22:38:59

标签: c# .net xml linq


问题是:它写的只是XML的第一部分 - 如果没有写的话,我还有其他的陈述。

我设置了一些断点,其中if发生了​​,发现一切都在那里发生(变量正在获取它们的值等) - 只有XML不能写。

在代码的第一部分,您可能会注意到许多结束括号 - 没有' em我无法使XML工作 - 或者,如果我尝试更改其顺序(如更快关闭)时试图转换它说XML将是无效的格式。

    private void openXMLToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string currentcolor;
        XElement xmldoc = new XElement("JMF",
            new XAttribute("SenderID", "InkZone-Controller"),
            new XAttribute("version", "1.2"),
        //new XAttribute("xmlns", "http://www.CIP4.org/JDFSchema_1_1"),

        new XElement("Command",
        new XAttribute("ID", "cmd.00695"),
        new XAttribute("Type", "Resource"),
        new XElement("ResourceCmdParams",
        new XAttribute("Resourcename", "InkZoneProfile"),
        new XAttribute("JobID", "K_41")),

        new XElement("InkZoneProfile",
        new XAttribute("ID", "r0013"),
        new XAttribute("Class", "Parameter"),
        new XAttribute("Locked", "False"),
        new XAttribute("Status", "Available"),
        new XAttribute("PartIDKeys", "SignatureName SheetName Side Separation"),
        new XAttribute("DescriptiveName", "Schieberwerte von DI"),
        new XAttribute("ZoneWidth", "32")),

        new XElement("InkZoneProfile",
        new XAttribute("SignatureName", "SIG1")),

        new XElement("InkzoneProfile",
        new XAttribute("Locked", "False"),
        new XAttribute("Sheetname", "S1")),

        new XElement("InkZoneProfile",
        new XAttribute("Side", "Front")),

                //Loop for getting black values and store them on XML
                    for(int i=0; i<stringsize; i++)
                            currentcolor = colors[i];
                            if(currentcolor == "Black")
                                    //Extracting numbers from blackzones
                                    Regex regex1 = new Regex(@"HDMInkB \[(.*?)\]",
                                        RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Multiline);
                                    var v1 = regex1.Match(hdmzones);
                                    string blackzones = v1.Groups[1].ToString();
                                    //Converting to string - add a delimiter into each space
                                    blackzones = Regex.Replace(blackzones, @"\s+", "|");
                                    Double[] numbers; //An array of Doubles - store numbers separated
                                    string[] numbers_str = blackzones.Split(new[] { "|" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                    numbers = new Double[numbers_str.Length];
                                    //Loop trough numbers
                                        for (int j = 0; j < numbers.Length; j++)
                                            numbers[j] = Double.Parse(numbers_str[j], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                            //Converts each number on the string to a Double number, store it in a position
                                            //in the Double array
                                            numbers[j] = numbers[j] / 100; //Needed calculus
                                            numbers[j] = Math.Round(numbers[j], 3); //Storing numbers rounded
                                    string blackvalues = String.Join(" ", numbers.Select(f => f.ToString()));
                //Converting values back to string - so i can insert on the XML without problems
                new XElement("InkZoneProfile",
                    new XAttribute("Separation", currentcolor),
                    new XAttribute("ZoneSettingsX", blackvalues));

            }//Closing BLACK if Statement

                        }//Closing for statement for XMLAttribute
                                //Saving XML Document
                                string strPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(

                                string path2 = "new_xml.xml";
                                string combined = Path.Combine(strPath, path2);

    }//Closing ConvertXML

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



private IEnumerable<XElement> GetBlackvaluesElements(string hdmzones, params string[] colors)
    for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++)
        currentColor = color[i];
        if (currentColor = "Black")
            /* Regex, Calculus & other stuff to get string blackvalues here */
            yield return new XElement("InkZoneProfile",
                new XAttribute("Separation", currentColor),
                new XAttribute("ZoneSettingsX", blackvalues));

private void OpenXMLToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var commandElement = new XElement("Command");
    /* Add hardcoded elements to commandElement here */
    // Adding blackvalues to commandElement
    commandElement.Add(GetBlackvaluesElements(hdmzones, colors).ToArray());

    var xmldoc = new XElement("JMF",
        /* add required attributes here */

    /* Save document here */