
时间:2016-02-16 10:46:46

标签: vb.net error-handling try-catch


如果我有多个相互调用的方法,并且我在顶级方法周围添加try catch,那么在处理异常之后程序将继续运行的位置在哪里?


public Sub Main()
    Dim a As Integer
        If (Foo()) Then
            a = Boo()
        End If
    End Try
    'Is a 10 here???
End Sub
public Function Foo() As Boolean
    return True
End Function
Public Function Boo() As Int
    return 10
End Function

在这种情况下,Boo()会被调用,例如a总是= 10吗? - 即使lines 1-6上出现例外情况?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

不,在您的示例中,如果Foo抛出异常,则会立即输入Catch块。 Boo函数将被调用,而a的值将被设置。

即使您Main函数没有使用任何Try / Catch块,也是如此:

Public Sub Main()
    Dim a As Integer
    If (Foo()) Then
        a = Boo()
    End If
End Sub

Boo()只会被调用,a只会设置为结果,如果Foo 没有抛出异常。如果Foo抛出,运行时将搜索合适的异常处理程序。找不到一个,这是顶级方法,你将有一个未处理的异常,然后导致应用程序被终止。



Public Sub Main()
    Dim val As Integer = 0    ' 0 is our "default" value

    ' Don't need a Try here, this won't throw an exception.
    ' It will just return an empty string if they canceled.
    Dim fileName As String = AskUserForFileName()

    ' See if they canceled...
    If (fileName <> String.Empty)
           ' Now we need a Try block, because we're going to do
           ' stuff that might throw an exception.
           Dim file As File = OpenFile(fileName)

           ' Execution won't get here if OpenFile() threw an exception, so
           ' at this point, we know that the file was opened successfully,
           ' so we'll try to read our value from it.
           val = ReadDataFromFile(file)

           ' Again, execution won't get here if ReadDataFromFile() threw
           ' an exception, so we know that the data was read out successfully
           ' and our val variable has been updated.
        Catch ex As FileNotFoundException
           MessageBox.Show("Could not find the specified file.")
        Catch ex As System.IO.IOException
           MessageBox.Show("Could not read from the specified file--check it is valid.")
        End Try
    End If

    ' Our variable val will now contain the value read from the file,
    ' if that whole business was successful. Otherwise, it will
    ' contain the default value of 0 that we set at the top.
End Sub

在实际代码中,如果抛出异常,您还会广泛使用Using blocks来处理实现IDisposable接口的任何对象的自动清理。修改上面的示例,假设我组成的File类实现了IDisposable

Public Sub Main()
    Dim val As Integer = 0    ' 0 is our "default" value

    ' Don't need a Try here, this won't throw an exception.
    ' It will just return an empty string if they canceled.
    Dim fileName As String = AskUserForFileName()

    ' See if they canceled...
    If (fileName <> String.Empty)
           ' Now we need a Try block, because we're going to do
           ' stuff that might throw an exception.
           Using file As File = OpenFile(fileName)
               ' Execution won't get here if OpenFile() threw an exception, so
               ' at this point, we know that the file was opened successfully,
               ' so we'll try to read our value from it.
               val = ReadDataFromFile(file)

               ' Again, execution won't get here if ReadDataFromFile() threw
               ' an exception, so we know that the data was read out successfully
               ' and our val variable has been updated.
           End Using  ' make sure file always gets closed properly
        Catch ex As FileNotFoundException
           MessageBox.Show("Could not find the specified file.")
        Catch ex As System.IO.IOException
           MessageBox.Show("Could not read from the specified file--check it is valid.")
        End Try
    End If

    ' Our variable val will now contain the value read from the file,
    ' if that whole business was successful. Otherwise, it will
    ' contain the default value of 0 that we set at the top.
End Sub