
时间:2016-02-18 08:19:10

标签: opengl-es glsl shader blur

  • 描述

    1. 我在android中使用OpenGL es 2.0和glsl着色器来做高斯模糊效果。
    2. 如果没有alpha通道,它可以正常工作,但是当我有png的alpha通道时,结果会变得太暗,它会与链接相同:http://www.jhlabs.com/ip/premultiplied_blur.jpg(中间的一个效果有些暗)点。
    3. 所有文章都说使用预乘alpha,但我不知道如何使用它,同样可以帮助我,谢谢。
  • 我如何进行模糊

    1. 加载png纹理
    2. 创建FBO以渲染水平模糊
    3. 创建FBO以渲染垂直模糊
    4. 将结果纹理渲染到屏幕
  • 我的着色器文件

	static const char* ULBlurShader_vertexShader =
		"uniform mat4 fpsWorldViewProjectionMatrix;\n"
		"attribute vec4 gInPosition;\n"
		"attribute vec2 gInTex0;\n"
		"varying vec2 varTex0;\n"
		"void main() {\n"
		"	gl_Position = fpsWorldViewProjectionMatrix * gInPosition;\n"
		"	varTex0 = gInTex0.xy;\n"

	static const char* ULBlurShaderHor_pixelShader =
		"uniform sampler2D sampler0; \n"
		"uniform vec4 fpsGaussBlur; \n"
		"uniform vec4 fpsGaussWeights[65]; \n"
		"varying vec2 varTex0;\n"
		"vec4 gaussBlurHorizontal(const int anRadius,vec2 avBaseCoo, vec2 avSamplerRes)"
		"{ \n"
		"	float fStartX = avBaseCoo.x - anRadius*avSamplerRes.x; \n"
		"	vec4 color = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0); \n"
		"	for (int x = 0; x < anRadius * 2; x++) \n"
		"	{ \n"
		"		color += texture2D(sampler0, vec2(fStartX + x*avSamplerRes.x, avBaseCoo.y))*fpsGaussWeights[x / 4][x % 4]; \n"
		"	} \n"
		"	return color; \n"
		"void main() {\n"
		"	gl_FragColor.rgba = gaussBlurHorizontal(int(fpsGaussBlur.y), varTex0, vec2(fpsGaussBlur.z, fpsGaussBlur.w)); \n"

	static const char* ULBlurShaderVert_pixelShader =
		"uniform sampler2D sampler0; \n"
		"uniform vec4 fpsGaussBlur; \n"
		"uniform vec4 fpsGaussWeights[65]; \n"
		"varying vec2 varTex0;\n"
		"vec4 gaussBlurVertical(const int anRadius,vec2 avBaseCoo, vec2 avSamplerRes)"
		"{ \n"
		"	float fStartY = avBaseCoo.y - (anRadius*avSamplerRes.y); \n"
		"	vec4 color = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0); \n"
		"	for(int y=0; y<anRadius*2; y++) \n"
		"	{ \n"
		"		color += texture2D(sampler0, vec2(avBaseCoo.x, fStartY+y*avSamplerRes.y))*fpsGaussWeights[y/4][y%4]; \n"
		"	} \n"
		"	return color; \n"
		"void main() {\n"
		"	gl_FragColor.rgba = gaussBlurVertical(int(fpsGaussBlur.y), varTex0, vec2(fpsGaussBlur.z, fpsGaussBlur.w));\n"

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我遇到了同样的问题,尤其是在模糊由alpha = 0.0的像素包围的文本时。文字会消失,直至无法看到(中间图像)。 然而,一旦我在模糊之后添加了“Gamma校正”步骤,我设法得到了更好的结果。

Left: original, Middle: Blur only (practically invisible), Right: Blur+Gamma Correction


color = pow(color, vec4(1.0/fGamma))


以下是一个非常好的解释链接: https://learnopengl.com/#!Advanced-Lighting/Gamma-Correction

答案 1 :(得分:0)




我会在一个类似于模糊的特定权重中求和5个像素时给你一个例子。让我们说相对比例是1,2,5,2,1。你现在正在做的是color = (c1*1 + c2*2 + c3*5 + c4*2 + c5*1)/(1+2+5+2+1)但你在这个等式中有一个优化,你已经有一个标准值,你调用fpsGaussWeights在我的例子中是1/11, 2/11, 5/11 ...(通过汇总(1+2+5+2+1)收到了11个)所以你以c1*1/11 + c2*2/11结束...现在让我们改变方程以包括alpha值。现在原来是

color = (c1*1*c1.a + c2*2*c2.a + c3*5*c3.a + c4*2*c4.a + c5*1*c5.a)/(1*c1.a+2*c2.a+5*c3.a+2*c4.a+1*c5.a)


color.rgb = (c1.rgb*1*c1.a + c2.rgb*2*c2.a + c3.rgb*5*c3.a + c4.rgb*2*c4.a + c5.rgb*1*c5.a)/(1*c1.a+2*c2.a+5*c3.a+2*c4.a+1*c5.a)




    int sampleCount = 5;
    float weights[sampleCount];

    vec4 color = vec4(.0);
    float fullWeight = .0;
    for(int i=0; i<sampleCount; i++) {
        float actualWeight = weights[i] * textureColor.a;
        vec4 textureColor = ; // fetch the pixel
        color.rgb += textureColor.rgb * actualWeight; // can produce overflow
            We may do the computation on the fly so we do not need to divide in the end. This will remove the overflow issue
        color.rgb = (color.rgb*fullWeight + textureColor.rgb*actualWeight)/(fullWeight + actualWeight);
            Leads to:
        float newWeightResult = (fullWeight + actualWeight);
        float leftWeight = fullWeight/(fullWeight + actualWeight); //will be less or equal then 1
        float rightWeight = actualWeight/(fullWeight + actualWeight); //will be less or equal then 1
        color.rgb = color.rgb*leftWeight + textureColor.rgb*rightWeight; // no overflow
            The color.rgb /= fullWeight line needs to be removed when using this

        color.a += textureColor.a * weights[i];
        fullWeight += actualWeight;
    color.rgb /= fullWeight;

您使用的重量仍可按原样保留。我只使用(1,2,5 ......)所以更容易解释。
