创建一个Window对象,然后在WPF C#中的另一个Window类中调用它

时间:2016-02-27 06:24:42

标签: c# wpf wpf-controls


public class SortingWords {

 //global variables    
 public static int count = 0;

 public static void main(String [ ] commandlineArguments){
     String[ ] array = readFileReturnWords(commandlineArguments[0]);
     sortAndPrintArray(array, commandlineArguments[0]); 

     if (commandlineArguments.length != 1) {
        System.out.println("Please enter the INPUT file name as the   1st commandline argument.");
        System.out.println("Please enter exactly one (1) commandline arguments.");
        // Immediately terminates program
     }// end of if
     // if no commandline argument errors, continue program
       String inputFile = commandlineArguments[0];

 * readFileReturnWords - Used To Read from File & Store Each Word in Array
 * @param inputFile is the name of the file  

 public static String [] readFileReturnWords(String inputFile){
     //create array
     //read one word at a time from file and store in array
     //return the array
     //error checking for commandline input

     //make an array of Strings
     final Integer MAX = 100;
     String array[] = new String [MAX];
     String element = "";

     // read  items from file & store in array
     //connects to file 
      File file = new File(inputFile);
      Scanner scanFile = null;
      try {
        scanFile = new Scanner(file);
      catch (FileNotFoundException exception) {
        // Print error message.
       System.out.print("ERROR: File not found for " + inputFile);

     // if made connection to file, read from file
     if (scanFile != null) {
       String firstLineOfFile = "";
       firstLineOfFile = scanFile.nextLine();

     // keeps looping if file has more lines..
       while (scanFile.hasNextLine()) {
          // get a line of text..
          String line = scanFile.nextLine();

          // divides each line by commas
          Scanner lineInput = new Scanner(line).useDelimiter("\\s*");
          element = lineInput.next();

          count ++; 
    System.out.println("Alphabetical (ASCII) listing of words in file: ");
    System.out.println("Index  Element");
    for(int i=0;i<MAX;i++){
       System.out.print("Index = " );
       System.out.printf("%-7d", i);
       System.out.print(",  Element = ");
   return array;


MessageBox.Show("No Applicants\nFirst Add applicants with dataentryaccount");
MainWindow mw = new MainWindow();


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

当前执行块的EventHandler or procedure有更多代码要执行 您尚未调用return来停止执行当前过程。


