
时间:2016-02-28 20:00:17

标签: python regex

以下是example.txt,其中包含许多队列的统计信息。 我的目标是提取单个队列的详细信息(来自example.txt)并将它们放在单独的日志文件中(queue_0.log,queue_1.log等)。

some details:

sn  size    fbe     lbe     fbl     lbl     latency
log_rx_packets_start_queue 0
0   512     1.6     3.2     3.2     4.8     1.6
1   512     3.2     4.8     4.8     6.4     1.6
97  512     156.8   158.4   158.4   160     1.59999999999999
98  512     158.4   160     160     161.6   1.59999999999999
99  512     160     161.6   161.6   163.2   1.59999999999999
log_rx_packets_end_queue 0

--- Received Packet Statistics --- For Queue 0

Number of packets sent : 100
Number of packets received : 100

log_rx_packets_start_queue 1
0   512     161.6   163.2   163.2   164.8   1.59999999999999
1   512     163.2   164.8   164.8   166.4   1.59999999999999
2   512     164.8   166.4   166.4   168     1.59999999999999
98  512     318.4   320     320     321.6   1.60000000000002
99  512     320     321.6   321.6   323.2   1.60000000000002
log_rx_packets_end_queue 1

--- Received Packet Statistics --- For Queue 1

Number of packets sent : 100
Number of packets received : 100

log_rx_packets_start_queue 2
0   512     321.6   323.2   323.2   324.8   1.60000000000002
1   512     323.2   324.8   324.8   326.4   1.60000000000002
99  512     480.000000000003        481.600000000003        481.600000000003        483.200000000003        1.60000000000002
log_rx_packets_end_queue 2

--- Received Packet Statistics --- For Queue 2

Number of packets sent : 100
Number of packets received : 100

// Similarly continues


import os
import re

newpath = 'results'
if not os.path.exists(newpath):
    os.makedirs(newpath) # need to check exception here

#input_file = open("log.txt", "r")
qno_start = 0
qno_end = 0
grab_lines = False

with open('example.txt','r') as ip_file:
   print "Reading"
   data = []
   for line in ip_file:
       match_qno_start = re.match(r'\s*log_rx_packets_start_queue ([0_9])', line)
       match_qno_end = re.match(r'\s*log_rx_packets_end_queue ([0_9])', line)

       if match_qno_start:
           qno_start = match_qno_start.group(0)
           grab_lines = True
           output_file = open(output_name, "w")

       elif match_qno_end:  
           qno_end = match_qno_end.group(0)
           grab_lines = False

       if grab_lines:
           new_line = data.append(line);

for i in data:

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


import re

with open('example.txt') as f_input:
    data = f_input.read()

    for match in re.finditer(r'log_rx_packets_start_queue (\d+)\n(.*?)log_rx_packets_end_queue', data, re.M + re.S):
        queue, block =  match.groups()

        with open('queue_{}.log'.format(queue), 'w') as f_output:


0   512     1.6     3.2     3.2     4.8     1.6
1   512     3.2     4.8     4.8     6.4     1.6
97  512     156.8   158.4   158.4   160     1.59999999999999
98  512     158.4   160     160     161.6   1.59999999999999
99  512     160     161.6   161.6   163.2   1.59999999999999