
时间:2016-02-29 20:28:23

标签: validation polymer-1.0 paper-elements



<gold-email-input id="userEmail" label="Email" required auto-validate value="{{userEmail}}" error-message$="{{_getEmailErrorMsg(0)}}" invalid="{{_emailInvalid}}" validator="_validateEmail"></gold-email-input>

<iron-signals on-iron-signal-email-used="_accountFound" on-iron-signal-email-available="_accountNotFound"></iron-signals>


     var emailErrors = ["Provide a valid email address", "Address already used"];

     // Register the polymer element
          properties: {
               userEmail: {type: String, value: null},
               validated: {type: Boolean, notify: true}, //overall validity state of entire element

               _emailInvalid: {type: Boolean, value: true, observer: "_validityChanged"}, // validity state of email input itself


          ready: function() {
              // Called before attached
              this.$.userEmail.validate = this._validateEmail.bind(this);

          _accountFound: function() {
               // Listener function intended to fire when the user email address/account was found
               console.log(this.nodeName + " accountFound listener called\n");
               this.$.userEmail.errorMessage = this._getEmailErrorMsg(1);
               this._emailInvalid = true;

          _accountNotFound: function() {
               // Listener function intended to fire when the user email address/account was not found
              console.log(this.nodeName + " accountNotFound listener called\n");
              this.$.userEmail.errorMessage = this._getEmailErrorMsg(0);
              this._emailInvalid = false;

          _checkAccountExistance: function() {
               if (this.userEmail !== undefined && this.userEmail != null) {
               } else {
                    this._emailInvalid = true;

          _getEmailErrorMsg: function(code) {
              if (code !== undefined && code != null) {
                   return emailErrors[code];
              } else {
                   return "";

          _validateEmail: function() {
               // Custom validator function for email input (also checks if email has already been associated to any user accounts)
               console.log(this.nodeName + " validateEmail validator called\n");

               // Check if proper email address format (W3C Spec Regex used)
               var validEntry = /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&�*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*$/.test(this.userEmail);

               if (validEntry) {
                    this._emailInvalid = false;
               } else {
                    this._emailInvalid = true;

          _validityChanged: function(newVal, oldVal) {
               // set the containing/parent element's overall validity state

               this.validated = (!this._nameInvalid && !this._pwInvalid && !this._phoneInvalid && !this._emailInvalid && !this._countryInvalid && !this._regionInvalid && !this._cityInvalid);


<paper-input id="xpos" label="Horizontal Position" required auto-validate value="{{XPos}}" error-message="Provide the x position" invalid="{{_xInvalid}}" validator="_validatePosition"></paper-input>


     // Register the polymer element
          properties: {
               xPos: {type: Number},
               validated: {type: Boolean, notify: true}, //overall validity state of entire element

               _xInvalid: {type: Boolean, value: true, observer: "_validityChanged"}, // validity state of xpos input itself


          ready: function() {
              // Called before attached
              this.$.xpos.validate = this._validatePosition.bind(this);

          _validatePosition: function() {
               console.log(this.nodeName + " validatePosition validator called\n"); 

               // perform some validation code here like the gold-email-input example above

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