HTML Tic-Tac-Toe游戏获奖者公告

时间:2016-03-01 04:55:25

标签: javascript html tic-tac-toe


我专门搜索了这个问题的答案,但是我发现的任何东西都让我很难理解(注意:编写这段代码是我生命中迄今为止所做的最复杂的编码,所以这就是什么等级I' m)。



function RowOneBoxThreeYButton() {
  var x = document.getElementById("Initial_Choice_Row_One_Box_Three");
  x.innerHTML = "Y"; = "white";

function RowOneBoxThreeXButton() {
  var x = document.getElementById("Initial_Choice_Row_One_Box_Three");
  x.innerHTML = "X"; = "white";

function RowOneBoxTwoYButton() {
  var x = document.getElementById("Initial_Choice_Row_One_Box_Two");
  x.innerHTML = "Y"; = "white";

function RowOneBoxTwoXButton() {
  var x = document.getElementById("Initial_Choice_Row_One_Box_Two");
  x.innerHTML = "X"; = "white";

function RowOneBoxOneYButton() {
  var x = document.getElementById("Initial_Choice_Row_One_Box_One");
  x.innerHTML = "Y"; = "white";

function RowOneBoxOneXButton() {
  var x = document.getElementById("Initial_Choice_Row_One_Box_One");
  x.innerHTML = "X"; = "white";


  <table style="width:100%; background-color:black" border="2">
        <p id="Initial_Choice_Row_One_Box_One" style="color:white">Click a Button to Choose "X" or "Y"</p>

        <button onclick="RowOneBoxOneXButton()">Choose X</button>

        <button onclick="RowOneBoxOneYButton()">Choose Y</button>

        <p id="Initial_Choice_Row_One_Box_Two" style="color:white">Click a Button to Choose "X" or "Y"</p>

        <button onclick="RowOneBoxTwoXButton()">Choose X</button>

        <button onclick="RowOneBoxTwoYButton()">Choose Y</button>

        <p id="Initial_Choice_Row_One_Box_Three" style="color:white">Click a Button to Choose "X" or "Y"</p>

        <button onclick="RowOneBoxThreeXButton()">Choose X</button>

        <button onclick="RowOneBoxThreeYButton()">Choose Y</button>



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

编程中一个非常重要的概念就是不重复自己。你已经写了六次基本相同的功能。好的,有一些细微的差别,比如每次使用不同的元素id,并显示&#34; X&#34;或者&#34; Y&#34;。但每个功能的流程基本相同。


请注意,即使您的ID的名称使用&#34; One&#34;作为第一个&#34;数字&#34;。习惯于从0而不是1开始计数。它在编码中发生了很多。



var myArray = ["A", "B", "C", "D"];
alert(myArray[0]); // shows "A"
alert(myArray[2]); // shows "C"
myArray[2] = "blah blah";
alert(myArray[2]); // shows "blah blah";



var textNumbers = ["One", "Two", "Three"]; // this array allows you to recreate the id's using array positions
var choices = ["", "", ""]; // this is where the letter choices will be remembered

function makeMove(row, box, letter) { // this function is called every time any button
                                     // with this 'onclick' handler is clicked
                                     // it will be passed the values seen in each
                                     // button element onclick attribute value

  // this single row allows you to recreate all the id's using the values passed in to the function
  var x = document.getElementById("Initial_Choice_Row_" + textNumbers[row] + "_Box_" + textNumbers[box]);

  // this allows you to pass either "X" or "Y" into the element, depending on which button was clicked
  x.innerHTML = letter; = "white";
  // remember the choice that was just made by putting the latest letter choice
  // into the choices array at the position for this box
  choices[box] = letter;
  // create a place to hold a message
  var msg;
  // after each click, check if there is now a winner
  // i.e. check if all boxes in this row are the same as the latest choice
  if (
    (choices[0] === letter) && // if the remembered choice for the first  box is the latest choice AND
    (choices[1] === letter) && // if the remembered choice for the second box is the latest choice AND
    (choices[2] === letter)    // if the remembered choice for the third  box is the latest choice
  ) { // ...then announce the new winner
    msg = "We have a winner! ===> The '" + letter + "' team!";
  } else { // otherwise, continue to say that there is no winner
    msg = "No winner yet.";
  // show the message
  var y = document.getElementById("winner");
  y.innerHTML = msg;
<table style="width:100%; background-color:black" border="2">
      <p id="Initial_Choice_Row_One_Box_One" style="color:white">Click a Button to Choose "X" or "Y"</p>
      <button onclick="makeMove(0, 0, 'X')">Choose X</button>
      <button onclick="makeMove(0, 0, 'Y')">Choose Y</button>
      <p id="Initial_Choice_Row_One_Box_Two" style="color:white">Click a Button to Choose "X" or "Y"</p>
      <button onclick="makeMove(0, 1, 'X')">Choose X</button>
      <button onclick="makeMove(0, 1, 'Y')">Choose Y</button>
      <p id="Initial_Choice_Row_One_Box_Three" style="color:white">Click a Button to Choose "X" or "Y"</p>
      <button onclick="makeMove(0, 2, 'X')">Choose X</button>
      <button onclick="makeMove(0, 2, 'Y')">Choose Y</button>
<p id="winner">No winner yet.</p>