
时间:2016-03-01 06:53:17

标签: c++ debugging text encoder


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void FillKey(char Key2[]);

void Encrypt();
void EncryptMessage(char Key3[], char Input2[], char MessageEncrypted2[]);

void Decrypt();
void DecryptMessage(char Key4[], char CodedInput2[], char NormalOutput2[]);
char ReturnDecodedCharacter(char Key5[], char Character);

const int STRING_SIZE=500;
const int ASCII_RANGE_SIZE_94=94;//Range from ASCII value 32 to 126 = 94
const int SHIFT_SET_32=32;//Move range up 32 values form (0-93) to (32 to 126)

int main()
    int Choice;

        cout << "Press 1 to encrypt"      << endl;
        cout << "Press 2 to decrypt"      << endl;
        cout << "Press other key to quit" << endl << endl;
        cout << "Choice: ";

        cin >> Choice;

        if (Choice == 1)

        else if (Choice == 2)

    while (Choice==1 || Choice == 2);

void Encrypt()
    int  SecretNumber;

    char Key[ASCII_RANGE_SIZE_94]={0};//One larger 0 - 93, not using 0
    char Input[STRING_SIZE]={0};
    char MessageEncrypted[STRING_SIZE]={0};

    cout << "\nEnter Secret Number: ";
    cin >> SecretNumber;

    cin.ignore(1);//removes newline from input buffer

    srand(SecretNumber);//Seed number for my random number generator


    cout << "\nInput message: ";

    cin.getline(Input, STRING_SIZE);

    EncryptMessage(Key, Input, MessageEncrypted);

    cout << "\nEncrypted Message(copy inside of parenthesis): " << "(" << MessageEncrypted << ")" << endl << endl;

void FillKey(char Key3[])
    int RandomNumber;
    int KeySpot, j;

    for (KeySpot=0; KeySpot<=ASCII_RANGE_SIZE_94; ++KeySpot)
        RandomNumber = SHIFT_SET_32+rand()%ASCII_RANGE_SIZE_94;//0-93, then shifts up to 32-126 ASCII range

        for (j=0; j<=KeySpot; ++j)//this bit of code checks to make sure new rand number isn't already used before
            if (Key3[j] == RandomNumber)
                RandomNumber = SHIFT_SET_32+rand()%ASCII_RANGE_SIZE_94;//0-93, then shifts up to 32-126

        Key3[KeySpot] = (char) RandomNumber;

void EncryptMessage(char Key3[], char Input2[], char MessageEncrypted2[])
    for (int i=0; Input2[i]; ++i)
        MessageEncrypted2[i]= Key3[((int) Input2[i])-SHIFT_SET_32];//-32 to get range back into 1-95 (range of Key)

void Decrypt()
    int SecretNumber;

    char Key[ASCII_RANGE_SIZE_94]={0};
    char EncryptedMessage[STRING_SIZE]={0};
    char DecodedMessage[STRING_SIZE]={0};

    cout << "\nEnter Secret Number: ";
    cin >> SecretNumber;

    cin.ignore(1);//removes newline from input buffer

    srand(SecretNumber);//Seed number for random number generator


    cout << "\nInput message to decode: ";

    cin.getline(EncryptedMessage, STRING_SIZE);

    DecryptMessage(Key, EncryptedMessage, DecodedMessage);

    cout << "\nDecoded Message: " << DecodedMessage << endl << endl;

void DecryptMessage(char Key4[], char EncryptedMessage2[], char DecodedMessage2[])
    for (int i=0; EncryptedMessage2[i]; ++i)
        DecodedMessage2[i] = ReturnDecodedCharacter(Key4, EncryptedMessage2[i]);

char ReturnDecodedCharacter(char Key5[], char Character)
    for (int Count=0; Count<=ASCII_RANGE_SIZE_94; ++Count)
        if ((int) Character == Key5[Count])
            return (char) Count+SHIFT_SET_32;//+32 to get back into 32-126 ASCII range

    return 0;


Press 1 to encrypt
Press 2 to decrypt
Press other key to quit

Choice: 2

Enter Secret Number: 1

Input message to decode: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvqwyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890

Decoded Message: Yj.63;nQb_ d"*!yTuc'8rTWi~1/|^ta5:?s+ODJwge42X,%q$SEvNZ9-h=kFL

Press 1 to encrypt
Press 2 to decrypt
Press other key to quit

Choice: 1

Enter Secret Number: 2

Input message: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvqwyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890

Encrypted Message(copy inside of parenthesis): (oZs?=LtFPSk<B +j]&xf!}]1"yq;zQm8\:>|T7_56VRH{9D-/*aOdbGCgAnJuv)

Press 1 to encrypt
Press 2 to decrypt
Press other key to quit

Choice: 2

Enter Secret Number: 2

Input message to decode: oZs?=LtFPSk<B +j]&xf!}]1"yq;zQm8\:>|T7_56VRH{9D-/*aOdbGCgAnJuv

Decoded Message: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvqwyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890

Press 1 to encrypt
Press 2 to decrypt
Press other key to quit

Choice: 1

Enter Secret Number: 3

Input message: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvqwyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890

Encrypted Message(copy inside of parenthesis): (w?oGY`hn5Ty% L\Z$qrDHR$"!F=WX}IV-Nf|g&+(Ps.pM*S)1t/e2@9v067{KC)

Press 1 to encrypt
Press 2 to decrypt
Press other key to quit

Choice: 2

Enter Secret Number: 3

Input message to decode: w?oGY`hn5Ty% L\Z$qrDHR$"!F=WX}IV-Nf|g&+(Ps.pM*S)1t/e2@9v067{KC

Decoded Message: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvqwyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890

Press 1 to encrypt
Press 2 to decrypt
Press other key to quit

Choice: 1

Enter Secret Number: 4

Input message: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvqwyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890

Encrypted Message(copy inside of parenthesis): (2RQ%?u*"_yNXs!=t;VWb9);]:+#>dqv$wU7(EiP[JgGI&pxmh4\ eafk}0^1ln)

Press 1 to encrypt
Press 2 to decrypt
Press other key to quit

Choice: 2

Enter Secret Number: 4

Input message to decode: 2RQ%?u*"_yNXs!=t;VWb9);]:+#>dqv$wU7(EiP[JgGI&pxmh4\ eafk}0^1ln

Decoded Message:  bcdefghijklmnopqrstuvqwyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890

Press 1 to encrypt
Press 2 to decrypt
Press other key to quit



如果您注意到,最后一个字符串(密码为4)没有正确转换并丢失了最初的&#39; a&#39;。我认为错误在void FillKey函数中 - 在if语句if (Key3[j] == RandomNumber)内部我创建一个新的随机数并设置j=0如果任何新生成的随机数与之前的任何一个完全相同密钥中的密钥(显然不能有两次相同的字符)。所以我的想法是,j被设置为0,但在for循环之后,它会增加并变为1.因此程序不会检查Key3[3]中的重复项,所以我将语句更改为{ {1}},预测它并在for循环后将其恢复为零,但随后程序卡住并且从不存在循环。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


for (KeySpot=0; KeySpot<=ASCII_RANGE_SIZE_94; ++KeySpot)


for (KeySpot=0; KeySpot < ASCII_RANGE_SIZE_94; ++KeySpot)


for (int Count=0; Count < ASCII_RANGE_SIZE_94; ++Count)


char ReturnDecodedCharacter(const char *key, int keysize, char Character)
    for (int Count = 0; Count < keysize; ++Count)
        if (Character == key[Count])
            return (char)(Count + SHIFT_SET_32);//+32 to get back into 32-126 ASCII range
    return 0;




#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

void xor_with_cipher(const string &cipher, const string &src, string &dst)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < src.length(); i++)
        char c = src[i] ^ cipher[i];

int main()
    string cipher;

    //create a simple cipher key with rand()
    //Note, rand **** should not **** be used in real cryptography applications
    int secretKey = 123;
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
        char c = rand() % 0xff;

    string input = "plain text";
    string encoded;
    string decoded;

    //XOR cipher with input, create encoded
    xor_with_cipher(cipher, input, encoded);

    //XOR cipher with encoded, create decoded (decoded = input)
    xor_with_cipher(cipher, encoded, decoded);

    //encoded string is in binary, it may contain zero and non-printable characters
    //we can print the integer value of individual characters in encoded
    cout << "encoded: ";
    cout << hex << setfill('0');
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < encoded.length(); i++)
        cout << setw(2) << (encoded[i] & 0xff);
    cout << "\n";

    cout << "decoded: " << decoded << "\n";