vbscript下载受密码保护的谷歌驱动器文件 - 身份验证失败

时间:2016-03-03 16:20:43

标签: vbscript google-drive-api


我知道google电子邮件和密码是正确的,因为当我将它们从我的代码复制到浏览器会话时,我可以登录。 - 我从我的代码中删除了用户名和密码以保护自己。我从谷歌回复的回复是电子邮件和密码不匹配。我错过了什么?




这预先假定文件夹c:\ users * username * \ appdataroaming \ pdiList已经存在


sWriteWebData子程序将一切都关闭 - 将url传递给fGetDataFromURL并将最终文件写入光盘。



DIM urlMainTable, nameMainTable, strGoogleEmail, strGooglePass
strGoogleEmail = 

urlMainTable = "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OCdhjjRSE4QsrngH0LJzM6IaFU1ZFpl9DZSjdINotYg/export?format=tsv&id=1OCdhjjRSE4QsrngH0LJzM6IaFU1ZFpl9DZSjdINotYg&gid=1439665763"

nameMainTable = "MainTable.tsv"

sWriteWebData urlMainTable, nameMainTable

Function fParseRedirect(blobHeader)
  DIM strLocation, lenLocation, iLocationHeader, urlRedirect, startRedirect, endRedirect, bolGoogleLogin
  bolGoogleLogin = FALSE
  strLocation = "Location: "
  lenLocation = len(strLocation)
  iLocationHeader = InStr(blobHeader, strLocation)
  startRedirect = iLocationHeader + lenLocation
  endRedirect = InStr(startRedirect, blobHeader, vbCrLf)-startRedirect
  If iLocationHeader Then
    urlRedirect = MID(blobHeader, startRedirect, endRedirect)
    If InStr(urlRedirect, "google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin") Then
      bolGoogleLogin = TRUE

    End If
    fParseRedirect = fGetDataFromURL(urlRedirect, "GET", "")

    If bolGoogleLogin Then fParseRedirect = fParseGoogleLogin(fParseRedirect, urlRedirect)
  End If
End Function

Function fParseGoogleLogin(blobResponseBody, urlForm)

  DIM iResponseBody, dictPOSTData, strKey, strPostData
  DIM iEndDomain, urlFormPost, bolSubmitAgain, blobResponse
  DIM iFormActionStart, strFormAction, iFormActionEnd
  DIM strNameStart, lenNameStart, iNameStart, iNameEnd, strName
  DIM strValueStart, lenValueStart, iValueStart, iValueEnd, strValue
  Set dictPOSTData =  CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  dictPOSTData.Add "Page", "PasswordSeparationSignIn"
  If (InStr(blobResponseBody, strGoogleEmail)) Then
     dictPOSTData.Add  "Passwd", strGooglePass
     bolSubmitAgain = False
      bolSubmitAgain = True
  End If
  dictPOSTData.Add "Email", strGoogleEmail

  iEndDomain = InStr(InStr(urlForm, "://")+3, urlForm, "/")-1

  urlForm = left(urlForm, iEndDomain)
  strFormAction = "<form novalidate method=""post"" action="""
  iFormActionStart = InStr(blobResponseBody, strFormAction)+len(strFormAction)
  iFormActionEnd = InStr(iFormActionStart, blobResponseBody, """") - iFormActionStart
'  urlFormPost = urlForm & Mid(blobResponseBody, iFormActionStart, iFormActionEnd)
  urlFormPost = Mid(blobResponseBody, iFormActionStart, iFormActionEnd)

  iResponseBody = InStr(blobResponseBody, "<input type=""hidden""")
  Do Until iResponseBody = 0
    strNameStart = "name="""
    lenNameStart = len(strNameStart)
    iNameStart = InStr(iResponseBody, blobResponseBody, strNameStart) + lenNameStart
    iNameEnd = InStr(iNameStart, blobResponseBody, """") - iNameStart
    strName = Mid(blobResponseBody, iNameStart, iNameEnd)
    strValueStart = "value="""
    lenValueStart = len(strValueStart)
    iValueStart = InStr(iResponseBody, blobResponseBody, strValueStart) + lenValueStart
    iValueEnd = InStr(iValueStart, blobResponseBody, """") - iValueStart
    strValue = Mid(blobResponseBody, iValueStart, iValueEnd)

    dictPOSTData.Add strName, strValue
    iResponseBody = InStr(iValueStart, blobResponseBody, "<input type=""hidden""")
  iResponseBody = InStr(blobResponseBody, "<input id=""profile-information""")
  Do Until iResponseBody = 0
    strNameStart = "name="""
    lenNameStart = len(strNameStart)
    iNameStart = InStr(iResponseBody, blobResponseBody, strNameStart) + lenNameStart
    iNameEnd = InStr(iNameStart, blobResponseBody, """") - iNameStart
    strName = Mid(blobResponseBody, iNameStart, iNameEnd)
    strValueStart = "value="""
    lenValueStart = len(strValueStart)
    iValueStart = InStr(iResponseBody, blobResponseBody, strValueStart) + lenValueStart
    iValueEnd = InStr(iValueStart, blobResponseBody, """") - iValueStart
    strValue = Mid(blobResponseBody, iValueStart, iValueEnd)

    dictPOSTData.Add strName, strValue
    iResponseBody = InStr(iValueStart, blobResponseBody, "<input id=""profile-information""")
  For Each strKey in dictPOSTData
    strPOSTData = strPOSTData & strKey &"="& dictPOSTData(strKey) &"&"
  strPOSTData = Left(strPOSTData, len(strPOSTData)-1)

  If bolSubmitAgain Then  
     blobResponse = fParseGoogleLogin(fGetDataFromURL(urlFormPost, "POST", strPOSTData), urlFormPost)

    blobResponse = fGetDataFromURL(urlFormPost, "POST", strPOSTData)
  End If
  fParseGoogleLogin = blobResponse
End Function
Sub sWriteWebData(strURL, strWriteFile)
    DIM strData, objFSO, objTSVFile
    strData = fGetDataFromURL(strURL, "GET", "")
    If strData <> "DLFail" Then
        Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Set objTSVFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strWriteFile, TRUE)
    End If
End Sub

Function fLoadCookies(strRequestURL)
    DIM objFSO
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    DIM objShell
    Set objShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
    DIM pathAppDataRoaming, pathPDIListData
    pathPDIListData = pathAppDataRoaming & "\PDIList"

    DIM fileCookies, strResponseDomain, pathCookieFile

    strResponseDomain = fGetDomain(strRequestURL)
    pathCookieFile = pathPDIListData & "\" & strResponseDomain & ".txt"

    If NOT  objFSO.FileExists(pathCookieFile) Then Exit Function

    Set fileCookies = objFSO.OpenTextFile(pathCookieFile)
    DIM dictCookies, strCookie, strCookieKey
    Set dictCookies = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

    Do While NOT fileCookies.AtEndOfStream
        strCookie = fileCookies.ReadLine
        If len(strCookie) > 1 Then
            strCookieKey = fGetCookieKey(strCookie)
            dictCookies.Add strCookieKey, strCookie
        End If
    Set fLoadCookies = dictCookies
End Function

Function fGetDomain(strURL)

    DIM nEndDomain, strHost, nStartDomain, lenDomain

    lenDomain= len(strURL)
    nStartDomain = Instr(strURL, "://") +2
    strHost = right(strURL, lenDomain-nStartDomain)
    nEndDomain = InStr(strHost, "/")

    If nEndDomain Then  strHost = left(strHost, nEndDomain-1)

    DIM objRegEx, matches, match
    Set objRegEx = New RegExp
    objRegEx.Pattern = "^(.*?)\.?([^.]+)\.(\w{2,}|\w{2}\.\w{2})$"
    Set matches = objRegEx.Execute(strHost)
    If matches.count = 1 Then
      Set match = matches(0)
      fGetDomain = match.SubMatches(1) & "." & match.SubMatches(2)
    End If
End Function

Function fGetDataFromURL(strURL, strMethod, strPostData)
msgbox strPostData
  DIM lngTimeout, strUserAgentString, intSslErrorIgnoreFlags, blnEnableRedirects
  DIM blnEnableHttpsToHttpRedirects, strHostOverride, strLogin, strPassword, strResponseText, objWinHttp
  DIM iCookies, strCookie
  DIM dictCookies

  lngTimeout = 59000
  strUserAgentString = "http_requester/0.1"
  intSslErrorIgnoreFlags = 13056 ' 13056: ignore all err, 0: accept no err
  blnEnableRedirects = False
  blnEnableHttpsToHttpRedirects = True
  strHostOverride = ""
  strLogin = ""
  strPassword = ""
  Set objWinHttp = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
  objWinHttp.SetTimeouts lngTimeout, lngTimeout, lngTimeout, lngTimeout
  objWinHttp.Open strMethod, strURL
  If strMethod = "POST" Then
    objWinHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-type", _
  End If
  If IsObject(fLoadCookies(strURL)) Then
    Set dictCookies = fCheckCookiesExpired(fLoadCookies(strURL))
    DIM itemsDict, bolDomainPathOK
    itemsDict = dictCookies.Items
    For iCookies = 0 To dictCookies.Count -1 ' Iterate the array.
        bolDomainPathOK = TRUE
        strCookie = itemsDict(iCookies)
        If InStr(strCookie, ";") Then
          bolDomainPathOK = fBolDomainPathOK(strCookie, strURL)
          strCookie = Left(strCookie, InStr(strCookie, ";")-1)
        End If
        If bolDomainPathOK Then objWinHttp.setRequestHeader "Cookie", strCookie ' Set the Cookie into the request headers
  End If
  If strHostOverride <> "" Then
    objWinHttp.SetRequestHeader "Host", strHostOverride
  End If
  objWinHttp.Option(0) = strUserAgentString
  objWinHttp.Option(4) = intSslErrorIgnoreFlags
  objWinHttp.Option(6) = blnEnableRedirects
  objWinHttp.Option(12) = blnEnableHttpsToHttpRedirects
  If (strLogin <> "") And (strPassword <> "") Then
    objWinHttp.SetCredentials strLogin, strPassword, 0
  End If    
  On Error Resume Next
  If Err.Number = 0 Then

    Set dictCookies = fParseResponseForCookies(objWinHttp.GetAllResponseHeaders, strURL, dictCookies)

    If objWinHttp.Status = "200" Then
      On Error GoTo 0
      fGetDataFromURL = objWinHttp.ResponseText
    ElseIf objWinHTTP.Status = "302" Then
      On Error GoTo 0
      fGetDataFromURL = fParseRedirect(objWinHTTP.GetAllResponseHeaders)
      fGetDataFromURL = "HTTP " & objWinHttp.Status & " " & _
    End If
    fGetDataFromURL = "Error " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Source & " " & _
  End If
  On Error GoTo 0

End Function

Function fBolDomainPathOK(strCookie, urlRequest)
  If InStr(urlRequest, "?") Then
    urlRequest = Left(urlRequest, InStr(urlRequest, "?")-1)
  End If

  DIM strDomainStart, lenDomainStart, strDomain
  DIM startDomain, endDomain, iDomain, bolDomainOK
  strDomainStart = "Domain=."
  lenDomainStart = Len(strDomainStart)

  iDomain = InStr(1, strCookie, strDomainStart, VBTEXTCOMPARE)

  If iDomain Then
    startDomain = iDomain+lenDomainStart
    endDomain = InStr(startDomain, strCookie, ";")-startDomain
    If endDomain > 0 Then  
        strDomain = Mid(strCookie, startDomain, endDomain)
        strDomain = Mid(strCookie, startDomain)
    End If
    If InStr(1, urlRequest, strDomain, VBTEXTCOMPARE) Then
      bolDomainOK = TRUE
      bolDomainOK = FALSE
    End If
    bolDomainOK = TRUE
  End If

  DIM strPathStart, lenPathStart, strPath
  DIM startPath, endPath, iPath, bolPathOK
  strPathStart = "Path="
  lenPathStart = len(strPathStart)
  iPath = InStr(1, strCookie, strPathStart, VBTEXTCOMPARE)
  If iPath Then
    startPath = iPath+lenPathStart
    endPath = InStr(startPath, strCookie, ";")-startPath
    If endPath > 0 Then  
        strPath = Mid(strCookie, startPath, endPath)
        strPath = Mid(strCookie, startPath)
    End If
    If InStr(1, urlRequest, strPath, VBTEXTCOMPARE) Then
      bolPathOK = TRUE
      bolPathOK = FALSE
    End If
    bolPathOK = TRUE
  End If

  If bolPathOK AND bolDomainOK Then
    fBolDomainPathOK = TRUE
    fBolDomainPathOK = FALSE
  End If

End Function

Function fGetCookieKey(strCookie)
  fGetCookieKey = left(strCookie, inStr(strCookie, "=")-1)
End Function

Function fParseResponseForCookies(strHeaders, strResponseURL, dictCookies)
    DIM arrHeaders, strHeader
    DIM objFSO
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    DIM objShell
    Set objShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
    DIM pathAppDataRoaming, pathPDIListData
    pathPDIListData = pathAppDataRoaming & "\PDIList"

    DIM fileCookies, strResponseDomain, pathCookieFile
    strResponseURL = Replace(strResponseURL, ":443", "")

    strResponseDomain = fGetDomain(strResponseURL)
    pathCookieFile = pathPDIListData & "\" & strResponseDomain & ".txt"

    DIM strCookiePrefix, lenCookiePrefix, lenCookie, strCookie, strCookieKey, bolCookieObject
    strCookiePrefix = "Set-Cookie: "
    lenCookiePrefix = len(strCookiePrefix)
    arrHeaders = Split(strHeaders, vbCrLf)
    For Each strHeader in arrHeaders
      If InStr(strHeader, strCookiePrefix) Then
        lenCookie = len(strHeader) - lenCookiePrefix
        strCookie = right(strHeader, lenCookie)

        If fBolCookieDomainOK(strCookie, strResponseDomain) Then

          If NOT isObject(dictCookies) Then Set dictCookies = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
          If dictCookies.Exists(strCookieKey) Then
            dictCookies(strCookieKey) = strCookie
            dictCookies.Add strCookieKey, strCookie
          End If
        End If
      End If
    If isObject(dictCookies) Then

      Set dictCookies = fCheckCookiesExpired(dictCookies)
      DIM itemsDict, iCookies
      itemsDict = dictCookies.Items
msgbox pathCookieFile
      Set fileCookies = objFSO.CreateTextFile(pathCookieFile)
      For iCookies = 0 To dictCookies.Count -1 ' Iterate the array.
        fileCookies.WriteLine(itemsDict(iCookies)) ' Return results.
    End If
    Set fParseResponseForCookies = dictCookies
End Function

Function fBolCookieDomainOK(strCookie, strDomain)

  DIM strCookieDomainStart, lenCookieDomainStart, strCookieDomain
  DIM startCookieDomain, endCookieDomain, iCookieDomain, bolCookieDomainOK
  strCookieDomainStart = "Domain=."
  lenCookieDomainStart = Len(strCookieDomainStart)

  iCookieDomain = InStr(1, strCookie, strCookieDomainStart, VBTEXTCOMPARE)

  If iCookieDomain Then
    startCookieDomain = iCookieDomain+lenCookieDomainStart
    endCookieDomain = InStr(startCookieDomain, strCookie, ";")-startCookieDomain
    If endCookieDomain > 0 Then  
        strCookieDomain = Mid(strCookie, startCookieDomain, endCookieDomain)
        strCookieDomain = Mid(strCookie, startCookieDomain)
    End If
    If InStr(1, strCookieDomain, strDomain, VBTEXTCOMPARE) Then
      bolCookieDomainOK = TRUE
      bolCookieDomainOK = FALSE
    End If
    bolCookieDomainOK = TRUE
  End If

  fBolCookieDomainOK = bolCookieDomainOK
End Function

Function fCheckCookiesExpired(dictCookies)
  DIM strExpires, iExpires, dtExpires, lenExpires
  DIM strCookie, key, bolSession, startDT, endDT
  strExpires= "Expires="
  lenExpires = Len(strExpires)

    For Each key in dictCookies
      strCookie = dictCookies(key)
      iExpires = InStr(strCookie, strExpires)
      If iExpires Then
        startDT = iExpires+lenExpires
        endDT = InStr(startDT, strCookie, ";")-startDT
        If endDT > 0 Then  
            dtExpires = Mid(strCookie, startDT, endDT)
            dtExpires = Mid(strCookie, startDT)
        End If
        If InStr(dtExpires, "GMT") Then
          dtExpires = dateTimeFromRFC1123(dtExpires)
          bolSession = False
          bolSession = True
        End If
        If DateDiff("S", dtExpires, now()) > 0 Then
        ElseIf bolSession Then
          strCookie = Replace(strCookie, dtExpires, DateAdd("N", 10, Now()))
          dictCookies.Item(key) = strCookie
        End If
        strCookie = strCookie & "; Expires=" & DateAdd("N", 10, Now())
        dictCookies.Item(key) = strCookie
      End If
   Set fCheckCookiesExpired = dictCookies
End Function

function dateTimeToRFC1123 (dt_dateTime)
  dim a_shortDay, a_shortMonth
  dt_dateTime = dateAdd ("N", createObject ("WScript.Shell").regRead ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation\ActiveTimeBias") , dt_dateTime)
  a_shortDay = array ("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat")
  a_shortMonth = array ("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
  dateTimeToRFC1123 = a_shortDay (weekDay (dt_dateTime) - 1) & ","
  dateTimeToRFC1123 = dateTimeToRFC1123 & " " & right ("0" & day (dt_dateTime) , 2) & " " & a_shortMonth (month (dt_dateTime) - 1) & " " & year (dt_dateTime)
  dateTimeToRFC1123 = dateTimeToRFC1123 & " " & right ("0" & hour (dt_dateTime) , 2) & ":" & right ("0" & minute (dt_dateTime) , 2) & ":" & right ("0" & second (dt_dateTime) , 2) & " GMT"
end function

function dateTimeFromRFC1123 (s_dateTime)
  dateTimeFromRFC1123 = cdate (mid (s_dateTime, 6, len (s_dateTime) - 9) )
  dateTimeFromRFC1123 = dateAdd ("N", - createObject ("WScript.Shell").regRead ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation\ActiveTimeBias") , dateTimeFromRFC1123)
end function

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

今天再次尝试上面的代码并且它有效 - 一定是在某处缓存的东西。抱歉,麻烦。