
时间:2016-03-04 16:50:22

标签: python networkx


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It is not trivial to do so. Networkx is based on matplotlib scatter (see code here) for nodes and LineCollection for edges.

To create an animated graph, you should get your inspiration from this matplotlib animated example.

The basic stub should look like this:

# Create new Figure and an Axes which fills it.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7))
ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1], frameon=False)
ax.set_xlim(0, 1), ax.set_xticks([])
ax.set_ylim(0, 1), ax.set_yticks([])

scat = nx.draw_nodes(G)

def update(frame_number):
    # TODO
    # Change node position (x, y) here

# Construct the animation, using the update function as the animation
# director.
animation = FuncAnimation(fig, update, interval=10)