
时间:2016-03-09 17:05:15

标签: powershell


$scriptBlock = { $_ <# do something with $_ here #> }
$theArg | ForEach-Object $scriptBlock



# It is actually surprisingly difficult to write a function (in a module)
# that uses $_ in scriptblocks that it takes as parameters. This is a strange
# issue with scoping that seems to only matter when the function is a part
# of a module which has an isolated scope.
# In the case of this code:
# 1..10 | Add-Ten { $_ + 10 }
# ... the function Add-Ten must jump through hoops in order to invoke the
# supplied scriptblock in such a way that $_ represents the current item
# in the pipeline.
# Which brings me to Invoke-ScriptBlock.
# This function takes a ScriptBlock as a parameter, and an object that will
# be supplied to the $_ variable. Since the $_ may already be defined in
# this scope, we need to store the old value, and restore it when we are done.
# Unfortunately this can only be done (to my knowledge) by hitting the
# internal api's with reflection. Not only is this an issue for performance,
# it is also fragile. Fortunately this appears to still work in PowerShell
# version 2 through 3 beta.
function Invoke-ScriptBlock {

    param (


    begin {
            # equivalent to calling $ScriptBlock.SessionState property:
            $SessionStateProperty = [ScriptBlock].GetProperty('SessionState',([System.Reflection.BindingFlags]'NonPublic,Instance'))
            $SessionState = $SessionStateProperty.GetValue($ScriptBlock, $null)
    process {
        $NewUnderBar = $InputObject
        $OldUnderBar = $SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue('_')
        try {
            $SessionState.PSVariable.Set('_', $NewUnderBar)
            $SessionState.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript($SessionState, $ScriptBlock, @())
        finally {
            $SessionState.PSVariable.Set('_', $OldUnderBar)


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$scriptblock = {## whatever}
& $scriptblock

@(1,2,3) | % { & {write-host $_}}


$scriptblock = {write-host $args[0]}
& $scriptblock 'test'

$scriptBlock = {param($NamedParam) write-host $NamedParam}
& $scriptBlock -NamedParam 'test'

如果你要在Invoke-Command中使用它,你也可以使用$ using构造。

$test = 'test'
$scriptblock = {write-host $using:test}