LINQ with Querying" Memory"

时间:2016-03-10 02:06:55

标签: c# .net linq



public class Foo {
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public ICollection<Bar> Bars { get; set; }

public class Bar {
    public int Id { get; set; }

现在,如果两个或更多Foo具有相同的Bar集合(无论订单是什么),则会将其视为类似 Foo


foo1.Bars = new List<Bar>() { bar1, bar2 };
foo2.Bars = new List<Bar>() { bar2, bar1 };
foo3.Bars = new List<Bar>() { bar3, bar1, bar2 };

在上述情况下,foo1 类似foo2foo1foo2 类似foo3

鉴于我们的query结果包含IEnumerableIOrderedEnumerable Foo。从query开始,我们会找到第一个 类似N foo


使用部分 LINQ,我们可以这样做:

private bool areBarsSimilar(ICollection<Bar> bars1, ICollection<Bar> bars2) {
    return bars1.Count == bars2.Count && //have the same amount of bars
        !bars1.Select(x => x.Id)
        .Except(bars2.Select(y => y.Id))
        .Any(); //and when excepted does not return any element mean similar bar

public void somewhereWithQueryResult(){
    List<Foo> topNFoos = new List<Foo>(); //this serves as a memory for the previous query
    int N = 50; //can be any number
    foreach (var q in query) { //query is IOrderedEnumerable or IEnumerable
        if (topNFoos.Count == 0 || !topNFoos.Any(foo => areBarsSimilar(foo.Bars, q.Bars)))
        if (topNFoos.Count >= N) //We have had enough Foo

topNFoos List将作为上一个查询的记忆,我们可以跳过Foo q循环中foreach已经相同的Bars Any FootopNFoos的{​​{1}}。

我的问题是,有没有办法在LINQ完全 LINQ)中执行此操作?

var topNFoos = from q in query
               //put something
               select q;

如果&#34;记忆&#34; required来自特定查询项q或查询之外的变量,然后我们可以使用let变量来缓存它:

int index = 0;
var topNFoos = from q in query
               let qc = index++ + q.Id //depends on q or variable outside like index, then it is OK
               select q;




(我现在是creating a test case(github链接)的答案。还在弄清楚如何公平地测试所有答案)

(下面的大部分答案都是为了解决我的特定问题并且本身就很好(Rob&#39; s,花费&#39; s和David B&#39的回答使用{{1但是,如果有人能够回答我更普遍的问题&#34; LINQ是否有办法在查询时记住&#34;以前的查询结果&#34;我也很高兴)

(除了我在使用完全/部分LINQ时所呈现的特定情况的性能上的显着差异之外,一个旨在回答关于LINQ内存的一般问题的答案是Ivan Stoev's。另一个与好的组合是Rob的。为了让自己更清楚,我寻找一般而有效的解决方案,如果有的话,使用LINQ)

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)



public class FooSimilarityComparer:IEqualityComparer<Foo>
    public bool Equals(Foo a, Foo b)
        //called infrequently
        return a.Bars.OrderBy(bar => bar.Id).SequenceEqual(b.Bars.OrderBy(bar => bar.Id));
    public int GetHashCode(Foo foo)
        //called frequently
            return foo.Bars.Sum(b => b.GetHashCode());

通过使用上面的IEqualityComparer N,您可以真正有效地获取前HashSet个非相似项:

IEnumerable<Foo> someFoos; //= some list of Foo
var hs = new HashSet<Foo>(new FooSimilarityComparer());
foreach(var f in someFoos)
    hs.Add(f); //hashsets don't add duplicates, as measured by the FooSimilarityComparer
    if(hs.Count >= 50)

答案 1 :(得分:3)


var res = query.Select(q => new {
    original = q, 
    matches = query.Where(innerQ => areBarsSimilar(q.Bars, innerQ.Bars))
}).Select(g => new { original = g, joinKey = string.Join(",", g.matches.Select(m => m.Id)) })
.GroupBy (g => g.joinKey)
.Select(g => g.First().original.original)



<小时/> 注意: 正如@spender在评论中指出的那样,下面的EqualsGetHashCode不适用于带有重复项的集合。请参阅他们的答案以获得更好的实现 - 但是,使用代码将保持不变

class MyComparer : IEqualityComparer<Foo>
    public bool Equals(Foo left, Foo right)
        return left.Bars.Count() == right.Bars.Count() && //have the same amount of bars
            left.Bars.Select(x => x.Id)
            .Except(right.Bars.Select(y => y.Id))
            .ToList().Count == 0; //and when excepted returns 0, mean similar bar

    public int GetHashCode(Foo foo)
        unchecked {
            int hc = 0;
            if (foo.Bars != null)
                foreach (var p in foo.Bars)
                hc ^= p.GetHashCode();
            return hc;


var res = query
    .GroupBy (q => q, new MyComparer())
    .Select(g => g.First())

答案 2 :(得分:2)

import UIKit

class GroupsTableViewController: UITableViewController /* UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate */ {

@IBOutlet weak var table: UITableView!

var items=["Dog","Cat","Cow","Platypus"]

override func viewDidLoad() {

    self.table.registerClass(UITableViewCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: "cell")
    self.table.dataSource = self
    self.table.delegate = self

    // Uncomment the following line to preserve selection between presentations
    // self.clearsSelectionOnViewWillAppear = false

    // Uncomment the following line to display an Edit button in the navigation bar for this view controller.
    // self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = self.editButtonItem()

override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
    // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

// MARK: - Table view data source

override func numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView: UITableView) ->         Int {
    // #warning Incomplete implementation, return the number of sections
    return 0

override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection  section: Int) -> Int {
    // #warning Incomplete implementation, return the number of rows
    return items.count

override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
    let cell = self.table.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("cell")! as UITableViewCell
    cell.textLabel!.text = self.items[indexPath.row]

    // Configure the cell...

    return cell

       override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, didDeselectRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
    print("You tapped on cell # \(indexPath.row)")


IEnumerable<Foo> dissimilarFoos =
  from foo in query
  let key = string.Join('|',
    from bar in foo.Bars
    order by bar.Id
    select bar.Id.ToString())
  group foo by key into g
  select g.First();

IEnumerable<Foo> firstDissimilarFoos =


class FooComparer : IEqualityComparer<Foo>
  private string keyGen(Foo foo)
    return string.Join('|',
      from bar in foo.Bars
      order by bar.Id
      select bar.Id.ToString());
  public bool Equals(Foo left, Foo right)
    if (left == null || right == null) return false;
    return keyGen(left) == keyGen(right);
  public bool GetHashCode(Foo foo)
    return keyGen(foo).GetHashCode();

答案 3 :(得分:1)

观。您可以通过在“let x = ...”子句中捕获的缓存设计自己流畅的mutator界面来破解某些东西,

from q in query
let qc = ... // your cache mechanism here
select ...

但我怀疑你必须小心将缓存的更新限制为只允许那些“让...”,因为我怀疑标准Linq运算符和扩展方法的实现是否会很高兴如果允许的话通过在“where”,“join”,“group by”等条款中应用的谓词在他们的背后发生副作用。


答案 4 :(得分:1)

我想通过“完整的LINQ”你的意思是标准的LINQ运算符/ Enumerable扩展方法。


var result = query.Aggregate(new List<Foo>(), (list, next) =>
    if (list.Count < 50 && !list.Any(item => areBarsSimilar(item.Bars, next.Bars)))
    return list;


var result = query.Aggregate(new List<Foo>(), (list, next) => list.Count < 50 && 
    !list.Any(item => areBarsSimilar(item.Bars, next.Bars)) ? list.Concat(next) : list);


public static class Utils
    public static List<T> Concat<T>(this List<T> list, T item) { list.Add(item); return list; }

