Jacoco代码覆盖 - 在货物中运行的战争文件

时间:2016-03-10 16:29:44

标签: maven integration-testing jacoco cargo


我想在我的maven构建中使用selenium运行集成测试,我使用货物插件将我的war文件部署到tomcat,集成测试使用selenium。我在启动时将jacoco arg line参数传递给货物,但无法获得覆盖结果。



 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0        http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">

    <!-- Spring -->
            <!-- Exclude Commons Logging in favor of SLF4j -->


    <!-- AspectJ -->

    <!-- Logging -->

    <!-- @Inject -->

    <!-- Servlet -->

    <!-- Test -->
        <!-- Exclude the Hamcrest core package that comes with JUNIT -->




        <!-- Jacoco code coverage plugin for maven (see surefire plugin config) -->
                <!-- Prepares the property pointing to the JaCoCo runtime agent which 
                    is passed as VM argument when Maven the Surefire plugin is executed. -->
                        <!-- Sets the path to the file which contains the execution data. -->
                        <!-- Sets the name of the property containing the settings for JaCoCo 
                            runtime agent. -->
                <!-- Ensures that the code coverage report for unit tests is created 
                    after unit tests have been run. -->
                        <!-- Sets the path to the file which contains the execution data. -->
                        <!-- Sets the output directory for the code coverage report. -->
                <!-- Prepares the property pointing to the JaCoCo runtime agent which 
                    is passed as VM argument when Maven Failsafe plugin is executed. -->
                        <!-- Sets the path to the file which contains the execution data. -->
                        <!-- Sets the name of the property containing the settings for JaCoCo 
                            runtime agent. -->
                <!-- Ensures that the code coverage report for integration tests after 
                    integration tests have been run. -->
                        <!-- Sets the path to the file which contains the execution data. -->
                        <!-- Sets the output directory for the code coverage report. -->

        <!-- Sure fire unit test plugin configuration -->
                <!-- Sets the VM argument line used when unit tests are run. -->
                <!-- Skips unit tests if the value of skip.unit.tests property is true -->
                <!-- Excludes integration tests when unit tests are run. -->

        <!-- Maven Failsafe Plugin for integration testing -->
                <!-- Sets the VM argument line used when integration tests are run. -->
                <!-- Skips integration tests if the value of skip.integration.tests 
                    property is true -->
                <!-- <skipTests>${skip.integration.tests}</skipTests> -->

        <!-- Installs PhantomJS so it doesn't have to be pre-installed -->
            <!-- The version of phantom js -->

        <!-- Maven Cargo Plugin - starts tomcat or jetty for integration tests -->
                <!-- <skip>${skip.integration.tests}</skip> -->
                <!-- Install apache tomcat into the target directory -->

                    <id>start container</id>
              <echo>This is the Text which will be printed out.</echo>
              <echo>Displaying value of failsafeArgLineProperty</echo>
            <echo>[failsafeArgLine] ${failsafeArgLine}</echo>
            <!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself.-->



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


[WARN] [09:31:44.247] Coverage information was not collected. Perhaps you forget to include debug information into compiled classes? 

在这种情况下,您可能需要使用debug = true配置maven-compiler-plugin以将调试信息包含到已编译的类中:
