我是c ++和SDL2的新手。我试图制作一个包含SDL2纹理对象的对象的程序,同时将SDL_renderer对象传递给各种对象来渲染它们。我的主纹理处理程序的代码如下:
class mysurface {
SDL_Rect pic; // x/y where in the pic, and w/h how much of the pic.
SDL_Rect loc; // x/y where in the pic, and w/h how much of the pic.
double angle = 0;
SDL_Point center;
std::string img = "";
SDL_Surface *bmp; // = SDL_LoadBMP(path.c_str());
SDL_Texture *tex; //= SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(ren, bmp);
void update(SDL_Renderer *ren, std::string image, int x, int y, int w, int h){
this->pic.x = 0;
this->pic.y = 0;
this->pic.w = w;
this->pic.h = h;
this->loc.x = x;
this->loc.y = y;
this->loc.w = w;
this->loc.h = h;
this->center.x = (int)(this->loc.x / 2);
this->center.y = (int)(this->loc.y / 2);
this->img = local() + image;
this->bmp = SDL_LoadBMP(this->img.c_str());
SDL_SetColorKey(this->bmp, SDL_TRUE, SDL_MapRGB(this->bmp->format, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a));
this->tex = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(ren, this->bmp);
void blit(SDL_Renderer *ren){
//std::cout << "blitting";
SDL_RenderCopyEx(ren, this->tex, &this->pic, &this->loc, this->angle, &this->center, SDL_FLIP_NONE);