Word VBA Shell对象后期绑定

时间:2016-03-12 12:59:47

标签: vba ms-word word-vba

我正在尝试优化我编写的微软单词中的先前vba自动化,它循环通过某种类型的文件(科学文章)(rtf / doc / docx)并提取每个文件中所有单词的列表,然后它将此单词列表与另一个常用单词列表(6000字左右)进行比较,以排除这些文件中的常用单词并获得较不频繁的单词,然后用户可以选择导出和/或突出显示这些不常见的单词单词见下图:



Sub test_list()
    Dim t As Double
    t = Timer
    Call ListItemsInFolder("C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\", False)
    Debug.Print Timer - t

End Sub

Function ListItemsInFolder(FolderPath As String, LookInSubFolders As Boolean, Optional ByVal SearchedFileType As String = ".docx")
    Dim PathsDict As Object
    Set PathsDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Dim ShellAppObject As New Shell
    Dim fldItem As ShellFolderItem
    Dim i As Long
    i = 0
    'Shell's Namespace object holds onto many different and useful properties that can be used to extract information
    'In this code we have used its FileSystemObject equivalents
    With ShellAppObject.NameSpace(FolderPath)
        For Each fldItem In .Items
            'The code tends to error when it comes across a zip file which in turn may contain a folder. The code then gives you
            'an RTE so to bypass this possibility we use following check of verifying .zip
            'vbTextCompare ==> negelct case sensitivity
            Select Case InStr(1, fldItem.Parent, ".zip", vbTextCompare)
            Case 0    'its not a zip file
                'check if the current item is a folder
                If (fldItem.IsFolder) Then    'the item is a folder
                    'to get the folder path use
                    'Debug.Print fldItem.Path
                    'to get the folder name use
                    'Debug.Print fldItem.Name
                Else    'the item is a file

                    'check if the file is (docx/doc/rtf/txt) accoriding to func input
                    Select Case InStr(1, fldItem.Name, SearchedFileType, vbTextCompare)
                    Case Is > 0
                        'add those files to the dictionary
                        PathsDict.Add Key:=i, Item:=fldItem.Path
                        i = i + 1
                        'to get the parent folder path
                        'Debug.Print Left(fldItem.Path, InStrRev(fldItem.Path, fldItem.Name) - 2)
                        'to get the file name
                        'Debug.Print fldItem.Name
                        'to get the file path
                        'Debug.Print fldItem.Path
                    Case 0
                        'neglect other file types
                    End Select
                End If

                'pass the folder item as a subfolder to the same function for further processing
                If fldItem.IsFolder And LookInSubFolders Then ListItemsInFolder fldItem.Path, LookInSubFolders

            Case Else    'its a zip file
                'do nothing and bypass it
            End Select
        Next fldItem
    End With
    ListItemsInFolder = PathsDict.Items
    Set ShellAppObject = Nothing
    Set PathsDict = Nothing
End Function

现在,当我尝试使用后期绑定时,我收到错误 “对象变量或未设置块变量” 。 ..错误出现在以下的最后一行:

Function ListItemsInFolder(FolderPath As String, LookInSubFolders As Boolean, Optional ByVal SearchedFileType As String = ".docx")
    Dim PathsDict As Object
    Set PathsDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

    Dim ShellAppObject As Object
    Set ShellAppObject = CreateObject("Shell.Application")

    Dim fldItem As Variant 'used to loop inside shell folders collection
    Dim i As Long
    i = 0
    'Shell's Namespace object holds onto many different and useful properties that can be used to extract information
    'In this code we have used its FileSystemObject equivalents
    With ShellAppObject.NameSpace(FolderPath)


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您的字符串变量是问题... ShellAppObject.NameSpace工作路径需要是带引号的文件夹路径..." C:\ Windows"而不是C:\ Windows这是与字符串变量一起传递的内容。另外我认为你需要在使用With ... End With之前实例化文件夹对象。 下面的工作脚本:

Sub test_list()
    Dim t As Double
    t = Timer
    Call ListItemsInFolder("c:\windows", False)
    Debug.Print Timer - t

End Sub

Function ListItemsInFolder(FolderPath As String, LookInSubFolders As Boolean, Optional ByVal SearchedFileType As String = ".docx")
    Dim PathsDict As Object
    Dim ShellAppObject As Object
    Dim objFolder As Object
    Dim fldItem As Object
    Dim i As Long
    Set PathsDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Set ShellAppObject = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    Set objFolder = ShellAppObject.Namespace("" & FolderPath & "")
    i = 0
    'Shell's Namespace object holds onto many different and useful properties that can be used to extract information
    'In this code we have used its FileSystemObject equivalents
    With objFolder
        For Each fldItem In .Items
            'The code tends to error when it comes across a zip file which in turn may contain a folder. The code then gives you
            'an RTE so to bypass this possibility we use following check of verifying .zip
            'vbTextCompare ==> negelct case sensitivity
            Select Case InStr(1, fldItem.Parent, ".zip", vbTextCompare)
            Case 0    'its not a zip file
                'check if the current item is a folder
                If (fldItem.IsFolder) Then    'the item is a folder
                    'to get the folder path use
                    'Debug.Print fldItem.Path
                    'to get the folder name use
                    'Debug.Print fldItem.Name
                Else    'the item is a file

                    'check if the file is (docx/doc/rtf/txt) accoriding to func input
                    Select Case InStr(1, fldItem.Name, SearchedFileType, vbTextCompare)
                    Case Is > 0
                        'add those files to the dictionary
                        PathsDict.Add Key:=i, Item:=fldItem.Path
                        i = i + 1
                        'to get the parent folder path
                        'Debug.Print Left(fldItem.Path, InStrRev(fldItem.Path, fldItem.Name) - 2)
                        'to get the file name
                        'Debug.Print fldItem.Name
                        'to get the file path
                        'Debug.Print fldItem.Path
                    Case 0
                        'neglect other file types
                    End Select
                End If

                'pass the folder item as a subfolder to the same function for further processing
                If fldItem.IsFolder And LookInSubFolders Then ListItemsInFolder fldItem.Path, LookInSubFolders

            Case Else    'its a zip file
                'do nothing and bypass it
            End Select
        Next fldItem
    End With
    ListItemsInFolder = PathsDict.Items
    Set ShellAppObject = Nothing
    Set PathsDict = Nothing
End Function

答案 1 :(得分:1)

据我所知,这是因为NameSpace的索引实际上并未定义为String。 FolderPath已经是一个字符串,并使用

"" & FolderPath & "" 

不会在其周围添加引号 - 要在VBA中执行此操作,您需要

""" & FolderPath """

NameSpace真正想要的是Variant(虽然Object viewer没有拼写出来),如果你使用

With ShellAppObject.NameSpace(FolderPath) 


With ShellAppObject.NameSpace(FolderPath & "")

With ShellAppObject.NameSpace(cStr(FolderPath))



Dim v As Variant
v = FolderPath
With ShellAppObject.NameSpace(v) 

答案 2 :(得分:0)

我已经测试了你的代码 - 如果文件夹不存在,我会得到同样的错误


您可以使用以下检查来阻止"使用"阻止与" Nothing"对象:

If ShellAppObject.NameSpace(FolderPath) Is Nothing Then
    Debug.Print FolderPath & " does not exist! (or insufficient access permissions)"
    With ShellAppObject.NameSpace(FolderPath)
        ' Your original code here...
        ' ...
    End With
End If

