
时间:2016-03-13 17:25:52

标签: javascript html video coordinates



<video id="video" preload=auto autoplay controls>
<source src = "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/79/Big_Buck_Bunny_small.ogv">

function getElementCSSSize(el) {
    var cs = getComputedStyle(el);
    var w = parseInt(cs.getPropertyValue("width"), 10);
    var h = parseInt(cs.getPropertyValue("height"), 10);
    return {width: w, height: h}

function mouseHandler(event) {
    var size = getElementCSSSize(this);
    var scaleX = this.videoWidth / size.width;
    var scaleY = this.videoHeight / size.height;

    var rect = this.getBoundingClientRect();  // absolute position of element
    var x = ((event.clientX - rect.left) * scaleX + 0.5)|0; // round to integer
    var y = ((event.clientY - rect.top ) * scaleY + 0.5)|0;
    console.log("x " + x);
    console.log("y " + y);


video.addEventListener("mousemove", mouseHandler);

现在,在正常模式下观看视频时效果非常好; 如果例如视频是237x132, 那么最大左边是0x,最大顶部是0。

问题出现在完整模式下; 如您所见,顶部和底部有黑色边框: https://i.imgsafe.org/452a426.jpg

现在,我检查的每个视频都是如此。  因此,在我上面的脚本中,出于某种原因它会计算  黑色边框作为视频的一部分; x是好的,但是 y不是; y开头于  视频,在黑色边框上。

我需要在这里非常精确,并且完全忽略黑色边框 - y应该从真实像素开始并以真实像素结束。 因此,在完全模式下播放的每种类型的电影都应该忽略黑色边框。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

function mouseHandler(event) {
    var rect = this.getBoundingClientRect();
    if (!('height' in rect)) {//for IE8
        rect.height = rect.bottom - rect.top;
        rect.width = rect.right - rect.left;
    var actualVideoHeight = rect.height;
    var actualVideoWidth = rect.width;
    var borderTop = 0;
    var borderLeft = 0;
    var onBottomBorder = false;
    var onRightBorder = false;
    var videoRatio = this.videoWidth / this.videoHeight;
    var elementRatio = rect.width / rect.height;
    if (videoRatio > elementRatio) {//video is wider than element
        actualVideoHeight = this.videoHeight * rect.width / this.videoWidth;//actual height of video without borders
        borderTop = (rect.height - actualVideoHeight) / 2;//calculate size of top border
        if (event.clientY > actualVideoHeight + borderTop) {//check if mouse in on bottom border
            onBottomBorder = true;
    } else if (videoRatio < elementRatio) {//element is wider than video
        actualVideoWidth = this.videoWidth * rect.height / this.videoHeight;//actual width of video without borders
        borderLeft = (rect.width - actualVideoWidth) / 2;//calculate size of left border
        if (event.clientX > Math.round(actualVideoWidth + borderLeft)) {//check if mouse in on right border
            //onRightBorder = true;
    var x = Math.round((event.clientX - rect.left - borderLeft) * (this.videoWidth / actualVideoWidth)); //scale and round to integer
    var y = Math.round((event.clientY - rect.top - borderTop) * this.videoHeight / actualVideoHeight);
    x will be negative if mouse is on left border
    y will be negative if mouse is on top border
    onRightBorder will be true if mouse is on right border
    onBottomBorder will be true if mouse is on bottom border
    if (y > 0 && x > 0 && !onRightBorder && !onBottomBorder) {
        console.log('x ' + x);
        console.log('y ' + y);