Bootstrap list-inline li元素是交错的

时间:2016-03-14 18:19:08

标签: html css3 twitter-bootstrap-3

我在无序列表中使用了 list-inline 类的Bootstrap。我想让所有 li 元素具有相同的大小,并在行中完美对齐。


预期的行为是每个 li 元素将具有相同的宽度和高度并且在一行中(全部在同一级别上)。实际行为是li元素交错。




<ul class="list-inline box box20x25">
        <p><i class="fa fa-home fa-fw"></i></p>
        <p class="title">Pteranodon was a flying reptile that lived during the time of the dinosaurs</p>
        <p class="description">Pteranodon was a flying reptile that lived during the time of the dinosaurs - it was not a dinosaur, but was a close relative of the dinosaurs. Pteranodon have three clawed fingers on each hand, and four clawed toes on each foot. Learn about Pteranodon, a.</p>
        <p class="title">Pteranodon was a flying reptile that lived during the time of the dinosaurs</p>

CSS li {
    background: #000;
    color: #ccc;

ul.box20x25 li {
    height: 200px;
    width: 400px;

1 个答案:

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list-inline所做的只是将列表项的显示更改为display: inline-block;。由于内联项的垂直对齐默认为基线,因此您需要通过设置vertical-align:top来更改它。

<强> jsFiddle example