
时间:2016-03-14 22:06:49

标签: r integration numerical cdf



我想比较使用K-L发散的精细网格上的两个密度,看它们是否相同。我观察到矢量Y,它取决于矩阵X(也观察到),我感兴趣的是g(y),Y的无条件分布。为了得到g(y),我首先找到关节密度,g(X,Y),然后将其除以条件密度g(X | Y)。使用R中的np包中的经验法(npundensnpudensbwnpcdensnpcdensbw)确定两个密度。因此,g(y)= g(X,Y)/ g(X | Y)。然而,当我对g(y)中的条目求和时,我得到一个大于2的数。因为我想在精细网格上计算g(y),我计算g(y)的核回归(使用带有exdat的npreg) = grid)并从此回归中保存拟合值。当我总结它们时,我得到的数字大约是1.05。


方法:     #计算Y和X的联合pdf

Z <- data.frame(Y, X)
jbw <- npudensbw(dat = Z, bwmethod = 'normal-reference', 
                 xtrim = trim, ytrim = trim)   
jpdf <- npudens(bws = jbw)

# Determine the conditional pdf of the covariates X with respect to the vector Y 

bw <- npcdensbw(xdat = Y, ydat = X, 
               bwmethod = 'normal-reference', xtrim = trim, ytrim = trim)   
cpdf <- npcdens(bws = bw, xdat = Y, ydat = X)

# Determine the unconditional pdf of Y

ft = jpdf$dens / cpdf$condens

# Nonparametric regression of w_ft over Y in order 
to get the extended pdf evaluated in the points in grid

sigma = min(sd(Y, na.rm = TRUE), 
        mad(Y, center = median(Y), constant = 1.4826, 
        na.rm = TRUE, low = FALSE, high = FALSE) / 1.4826, 
        IQR(Y, na.rm = TRUE, type = 7)/1.349)
computed_bw = 1.06 * sigma * length(Y)^(-1.0/(2.0*2+1))

extended_pdf <- fitted(npreg(bws = computed_bw, tydat = ft, txdat = Y, exdat = grid))

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