简单的Python 3.4.3

时间:2016-03-17 13:09:12

标签: python-3.x


input("This Python program will ask you a series of questions. Are you Ready? ")

if input == "Yes" or "y":
    print("You said yes!")

elif input == "No" or "n":
    print("You said no!")

    print("You said neither.")

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


  • 首先,您从input方法获得的字符串不会存储在任何位置。尝试打印<built-in function input> &#34;变量&#34;,您将获得:


    相反,将input方法的输出存储在变量中,并使用此变量而不是if input == "Yes" or "y":

  • 第二个问题,你的测试。当你写if (input == "Yes") or ("y"): 时,我想你想测试字符串是否等于&#34;是&#34;或者&#34; y&#34;。但实际上,可以写出测试结果:

    test if "y"

    您的测试由两部分组成:第一个测试是正确的,但第二个测试只是if input == "Yes" or input == "y": ,因为字符串&#34; y&#34;不是空的。


    if input in ("Yes", "y"):


    str = input("This Python program will ask you a series of questions. Are you Ready? ")
    if str in ("Yes","y"):
        print("You said yes!")
    elif str in ("No","n"):
        print("You said no!")
        print("You said neither.")


Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim ThisSheet As Worksheet
Dim NewRow As Long
Dim OldTotalRange As Range
Dim OldTotalRow As Long

Set ThisSheet = ActiveSheet
'If not single cell is changed, exit sub
If Target.Cells.Count = 1 Then
'Disable events for prevent recursion
Application.EnableEvents = False
If Target.Column = 1 And Target.Row <> 1 And Target.value <> "" Then
    If IsDate(Target.value) And IsDate(Target.Offset(-1, 0).value) Then
        If Month(Target.value) <> Month(Target.Offset(-1, 0).value) Then
            With ThisSheet
                NewRow = Target.Row
                On Error Resume Next
                    Set OldTotalRange = .Columns(1).Find(What:="Total", After:=Target, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious)
                    OldTotalRow = OldTotalRange.Row
'It's for first 'Total' when there isn't 'totals' before.
                If OldTotalRow = 0 Then
                    OldTotalRow = 1
                End If
                    .Cells(NewRow, 1) = "Total"
                    .Cells(NewRow, 4).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[-" & NewRow - OldTotalRow - 1 & "]C:R[-1]C)"
                    .Cells(NewRow, 5).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[-" & NewRow - OldTotalRow - 1 & "]C:R[-1]C)"
'It's formatting, you can delete it or change
                    .Range(.Cells(NewRow, 1), .Cells(NewRow, 5)).Interior.Color = RGB(196, 215, 155)
                    .Range(.Cells(NewRow, 1), .Cells(NewRow, 5)).Font.Bold = True
            End With
        End If
    End If
End If
Exit Sub
End If
'Enable events
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

答案 1 :(得分:1)


 string = input(...

然后,您必须为input == "y"条件中的第二个重复or

if string == "Yes" or string == "y":

if string in ("Yes", "y"):