sql db2 group每年的第一天

时间:2016-03-18 11:07:07

标签: sql db2


id        date_start       date_end
-----     ----------       --------
1a3       2001-12-12       2002-12-12
23b       2005-01-24       2008-11-02
11ad      2012-01-15       2014-13-09
19d       2015-01-23       2016-02-04



select count(distinct id) from table
where '2001-01-01' between date_start and date_end


select count(distinct id) from table
where '2001-01-01' between date_start and date_end

select count(distinct id) from table
where '2002-01-01' between date_start and date_end

select count(distinct id) from table
where '2003-01-01' between date_start and date_end

我只是难以将group by子句可视化。如果我只有一年的话,我可以这样做:

select count(distinct id), year from table
group by year

但是我不能将where '2001-01-01' between date_start and date_end放入这个组子句中。



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您可以使用left join。这是一种方法:

select y.yyyy, count(distinct t.id)
from ((select '2001-01-01' as yyyy from sys.sysdummy) union all
      (select '2002-01-01' as yyyy from sys.sysdummy) union all
      (select '2003-01-01' as yyyy from sys.sysdummy)
     ) y left join
     table t
     on y.yyyy between date_start and date_end
group by y.yyyy
order by y.yyyy;

答案 1 :(得分:1)


select count(*) 
  from table
 where year(date_start) < year(date_end)

答案 2 :(得分:0)

我希望你不介意我回答我自己的问题。使用Michael的逻辑,我能够将它与虚拟表结合起来 - 这是Gordon回答的一个想法。这就是我所做的:

with dummy(yr) as (
    select 2000 from SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1
    union all
    select yr + 1 from dummy where yr < 2015

select d.yr, count(distinct t.id) 
from table t, dummy d
where d.yr between year(t.date_start) + 1 and year(t.date_end)
group by d.yr
order by d.yr

