在C ++中正确实例化对象

时间:2016-03-24 12:59:56

标签: c++

我有一段时间使用C的经验,一般少时间使用OOP,但现在才开始尝试学习C ++。这是对模板的练习。


struct type {

    type(double data = 0) : data(data)
        std::cout << "at type constructor" << std::endl;

    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const type &that)
        return out << "[" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(7) <<
            std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << that.data << "]";

        double data;


template<typename T>
struct mat4 {

    T a1, a2, a3, a4;
    T b1, b2, b3, b4;
    T c1, c2, c3, c4;
    T d1, d2, d3, d4;

    mat4 (T a1 = T(), T a2 = T(), T a3 = T(), T a4 = T(),
          T b1 = T(), T b2 = T(), T b3 = T(), T b4 = T(),
          T c1 = T(), T c2 = T(), T c3 = T(), T c4 = T(),
          T d1 = T(), T d2 = T(), T d3 = T(), T d4 = T()) :
        a1(a1), b1(a2), c1(a3), d1(a4),
        a2(b1), b2(b2), c2(b3), d2(b4),
        a3(c1), b3(c2), c3(c3), d3(c4),
        a4(d1), b4(d2), c4(d3), d4(d4)
        std::cout << "at mat4 consctructor" << std::endl;

    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const mat4 &that)
        return out << that.a1 << that.a2 << that.a3 << that.a4 << std::endl <<
                  that.b1 << that.b2 << that.b3 << that.b4 << std::endl <<
                  that.c1 << that.c2 << that.c3 << that.c4 << std::endl <<
                  that.d1 << that.d2 << that.d3 << that.d4;


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    mat4<type> mat1(1, 0, 0, 0,
                    0, 1, 0, 0,
                    0, 0, 1, 0,
                    0, 0, 0, 1);

    std::cout << mat1 << std::endl;

    mat4<type> mat2();

    std::cout << mat2 << std::endl;

    mat4<type> mat3;

    std::cout << mat3 << std::endl;

    return 0;


at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at mat4 consctructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at type constructor
at mat4 consctructor



我具有初级C ++技能,你可能会很快发现错误。我只想了解我做错了什么以及为什么。 提前感谢您的关注。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


main.cpp:59:20: warning: empty parentheses interpreted as a function declaration [-Wvexing-parse]
    mat4<type> mat2();
main.cpp:59:20: note: remove parentheses to declare a variable
    mat4<type> mat2();
main.cpp:61:18: warning: address of function 'mat2' will always evaluate to 'true' [-Wpointer-bool-conversion]
    std::cout << mat2 << std::endl;
              ~~ ^~~~

除了true在输出1时转换为1时,除了application: acuteservice-1260 version: 1 runtime: php55 api_version: 1 threadsafe: yes handlers: - url: /(.*\.(gif|png|jpg|ico|js|css|eot|svg|ttf|woff)) static_files: \1 upload: (.*\.(gif|png|jpg|ico|js|css|eot|svg|ttf|woff)) - url: /favicon\.ico static_files: favicon.ico upload: favicon\.ico - url: .* script: index.php 之外,这几乎解释了所有内容。
