
时间:2016-04-01 06:02:08

标签: lisp common-lisp


例如。 return-evens'(1 2 3)=> (2),return-evens'()=> ()

我终于创建了这个功能,但只有在我输入0-3值时它才有效。当我输入0或1的值,而不是返回"()"时,它只返回" NIL"。


(defun return-evens (lst)
    (let ((return-list ()) (i 1))
    (loop for x in lst
        while (numberp x)
            do (if (= (mod i 2) 0)
                    (setf return-list (append return-list x))
            do (setq i (1+ i))
            finally (return  return-list))))

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(defun return-evens (lst)          ; in Lisp you can call it list instead of lst
                                   ; return is not a useful prefix.
                                   ; Every function returns something

    (let ((return-list ()) (i 1))  ; LOOP can return lists and iterate.
                                   ; No need for this at all.

    (loop for x in lst

        while (numberp x)   ; why this test? Are there non-numbers in the list?

            do (if (= (mod i 2) 0)   ; Lisp has a function EVENP
                                     ; but generally it is not necessary

                    (setf return-list (append return-list x))
                            ; never append to the end. Never ever.
                            ; Let LOOP collect a list, don't do it this way


            do (setq i (1+ i))  ; iterating manually is not necessary
                                ; that's what LOOP is for

            finally (return  return-list))))
                    ; if you would let LOOP do the work, no RETURN necessary


(defun elements-at-even-positions (list)
  (loop for element in list
        for even-position = nil then (not even-position)
        when even-position collect element))