
时间:2016-04-04 04:03:11

标签: c++ templates c++14 template-meta-programming sfinae

我所要求的可能是不可能的,但我会要求确定。如前所述并在此问题中回答:SFINAE and decltype(auto),具有自动返回类型的函数可能不是SFINAE,因为扣除返回类型会导致模板实例化。在实例化期间,编译器将产生错误。



#include <utility>

struct no_call_ops { };

struct caller
    // Goal is to detect whether a particular Handler type
    // will be ok to pass into caller
    template <typename Handler>
    auto operator() (Handler&& handler, int v)

        while (v--)
            handler("hello world");

        // etc...
        // more calls to handler that I don't want to
        // express in the trailing return type.

struct fallback { };

struct tester
    // Would be nice if this fails substitution...
    template <typename Caller, typename Handler, typename... Args>
    auto operator() (Caller&& caller, Handler&& handler, Args&&... args)
        -> decltype(caller(handler, std::forward<Args>(args)...))
    { }

    fallback operator() (...) { return fallback{}; }  

// want detected_t to be "fallback"
using detected_t = decltype(tester{}(caller{}, no_call_ops{}, 42));

使用the code on Godbolt here


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


#include <utility>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;

struct no_call_ops { };

template<class T>
using int_t = int;

struct caller
  template <typename Handler, int_t<typename result_of<Handler>::type> = 0>
  auto operator() (Handler&& handler, int) -> typename result_of<Handler>::type

struct fallback { };

struct tester
  template <typename Caller, typename Handler, typename... Args>
  auto operator() (Caller&& caller, Handler&& handler, Args&&... args) -> decltype(caller(handler, std::forward<Args>(args)...))
  { }

  fallback operator() (...) { return fallback{}; }  

using detected_t = decltype(tester{}(caller{}, no_call_ops{}, 42));

答案 1 :(得分:0)


#include <utility>

struct no_call_ops { };

struct caller
  template <typename Handler, class = decltype( std::declval<Handler>()(3.14) )>
  decltype(auto) operator() (Handler&& handler, int)

struct fallback { };

struct tester
  template <typename Caller, typename Handler, typename... Args>
  auto operator() (Caller&& caller, Handler&& handler, Args&&... args) -> decltype(caller(handler, std::forward<Args>(args)...))
  { }

  fallback operator() (...) { return fallback{}; }  

using detected_t = decltype(tester{}(caller{}, no_call_ops{}, 42));