
时间:2016-04-05 16:05:40

标签: applescript automator


Outlook电子邮件的主题需要包含当前日期,并且电子邮件的正文需要if语句来检查今天是星期一还是星期五,以允许电子邮件说出" ...本周"或者" ...即将到来的一周"。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


on run {input, parameters}
set My_Destinataire to "" -- assign here the email address

set Wday to first word of date string of (current date) -- get the days of the week in local language
if Wday is in {"Saturday", "Sunday"} then -- fill subject and content for week end
set My_Subject to "we are " & Wday & " !"
set My_Content to "this email is for next upcoming week…"
else -- fill subject and content with message for working days
set My_Subject to "we are " & Wday & ", an other working day !"
set My_Content to "this email is for current week…"
end if

tell application "Microsoft Outlook" -- creation of the new email itself
set NewMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:My_Subject, content:My_Content}
make new recipient at NewMessage with properties {email address:{name:"", address:My_Destinataire}}
send newMessage -- if you want to send the message directly without checking it
end tell
return input
end run

