添加<pre> tag button in TinyMce 4

时间:2016-04-07 10:24:43

标签: javascript tinymce tinymce-4

I'm tying to add code into a tinymce textarea and I'm planning to hightlight it using highlight.js

In order to to so, I just need to wrap the code between the tags <pre></pre> and highlight.js will do the rest.

I tried using the code plugin in tinymce, which opens a popup where the user can paste the code. But to my surprise it does actually nothing with that text. It only allows you to see the HTML code for it, which will basically just show the text between </p> tags.

I would prefer not to use codesample plugin because I just want to add the pre tag and do not apply any codesample styles to it. I do not want either to have a list of languages to select from or to treat the whole code text as a block that has to be removed in a whole.

Any ideas of how to do this?

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  • 看看像codesampletemplate这样的插件如何创建对话框(他们使用windowManager),然后您可以创建自己的插件来获取用户的输入和换行它插入到编辑器中的<pre></pre>标签中。
  • 通过TinyMCE init添加工具栏按钮或菜单项,并让该代码打开一个对话框(通过windowManager)并将内容插入编辑器。



    setup: function (editor) {
        editor.addButton('insertusername', {
            text: 'Insert User Name',
            icon: false,
            onclick: function () {
                var person = {
                    firstname: '',
                    lastname: ''
                    title: 'Insert User Name - Custom Dialog',
                    body: [
                            type: 'textbox',
                            name: 'firstname',
                            label: 'First Name:',
                            value: '',
                            minWidth: 800,
                            value: person.firstname,
                            oninput: function() {
                                person.firstname = this.value();
                            type: 'textbox',
                            name: 'lastname',
                            label: 'Last Name',
                            value: '',
                            minWidth: 800,
                            value: person.lastname,
                            oninput: function() {
                                person.lastname = this.value();
                    onsubmit: function(e) {
                        // console.log('onSubmit called');
                        editor.insertContent('<span class="abc">'+ person.firstname + ' ' + person.lastname + '</span> ');