Xamarin.iOS - Unable to archive for publishing

时间:2016-04-07 10:48:11

标签: xamarin xamarin.ios

I'm having to rebuild 2 client Enterprise Apps and I've been able to build a release .ipa for one of them but for the other App I'm unable to archive for publishing.

The build error is:

/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/xbuild/Xamarin/iOS/Xamarin.iOS.Common.targets: Error: Tool exited with code: 1. Output: error: unable to open executable 'bin/iPhone/Release/HGIPeople.app/HGIPeople': No such file or directory (HGIPeople.iOS)

Unfortunately we are having to use Xcode6.4 (due to compatibility issues with Good Dynamics Bindings and iOS9)

Xamarin details are;

Version: (Enterprise Edition)

Branch: master

Build date: 2016-01-29 16:59:11-0500

So to recap I can build for one app but not the other, the problematic App runs fine in the Simulator. The folder / project structure seems the same for both Apps.

Hopefully someone out there has an idea.




Thanks to everyone who posted. Unfortunately for the build I'm forced to use Xcode 6.x due to compatibility with a third party security binding and iOS9.

Anyway after recreating the project and still having the same issue, I then checked all of the references and found the problem, Google Maps. The fix was:

Removed the Nuget Google Maps package (this included Google.Maps.dll)

Referenced an older (and much larger) version of Google Maps (GoogleMaps.dll, noticed the filename difference)

Cleaned and deleted the obj/bin (which I think is always good practise to make sure you have a clean start)

I was then able to build and publish the App, phew!

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


在Xamarin Studio中,在Preferences / Build下,将日志设置为诊断(确保在解决方案/项目中重新启动XS并全部清除

enter image description here


在Visual Studio中启用诊断MSBuild输出:


点击工具>选项...   在左侧树视图中,选择项目和解决方案>构建并运行   在右侧面板中,将MSBuild构建输出详细信息下拉列表设置为Diagnostic   单击确定   清洁并重建您的包裹。   诊断输出在“输出”面板中可见。   要在Xamarin Studio / OS X中启用诊断MSBuild输出:


点击Xamarin Studio>喜好...   在左侧树视图中,选择Projects>建立   在右侧面板中,将Log verbosity下拉列表设置为Diagnostic   单击确定   重启Xamarin Studio   清洁并重建您的包裹。   通过单击“构建输出”按钮,可以在“错误板”(View> Pads> Errors)中看到诊断输出。


答案 1 :(得分:0)


首先,Xamarin.iOS 9是我们开始针对Xcode 7的关键所在。因此我们无法正式提供支持。但是,您可能希望尝试一些事情。

  1. 正如SushiHangover建议的那样,您可以通过强制可能(或可能不)帮助诊断问题的详细/诊断构建输出来获取更多详细信息。你可以find more information here

  2. 确保您从设备/模拟器中卸载应用程序,清理项目,并手动删除项目中的/ bin和/ obj文件夹。

  3. 将您的Xamarin工具降级到Xamarin.iOS 8支持的最新版本(不推荐也不支持)

  4. 将您的工具更新为最新的Stable版本。这将是推荐的课程,以便我们得到适当的支持。
