
时间:2016-04-07 12:43:46

标签: java algorithm recursion heap

 protected void up-heap(int j) {
while (j > 1) {            // continue until reaching root (or break)
  int p = parent(j);
  if (compare(heap.get(j), heap.get(p)) >= 1) break; // heap property verified
  swap(j, p);
  j = p;                                // continue from the parent's location


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protected void upHeap(int j) {
  if (j <= 1) //this handles the condition of the original while loop
  int p = parent(j);
  if (compare(heap.get(j), heap.get(p)) >= 1) 
    return; // this handles the break from the while loop
  swap(j, p);
  upHeap(p); // the recursive method call, replacing j with p