
时间:2016-04-08 17:24:02

标签: filter angular ngrx




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可以在ngrx example application中找到一些指导。有一种模式,其中定义了选择器alongside reducers

 * Because the data structure is defined within the reducer it is optimal to
 * locate our selector functions at this level. If store is to be thought of
 * as a database, and reducers the tables, selectors can be considered the
 * queries into said database. Remember to keep your selectors small and
 * focused so they can be combined and composed to fit each particular
 * use-case.
export function getBookEntities() {
  return (state$: Observable<BooksState>) => state$
    .select(s => s.entities);

这些选择器是used in (smart) components来选择/过滤状态:

export class CollectionPage {

  books$: Observable<BooksInput>;

  constructor(store: Store<AppState>) {
    this.books$ = store.let(getBookCollection());

此模式/机制可用于过滤组件或服务中的状态 - 最适合您的体系结构。
