c#中的WPF ComboBox - 动态创建可编辑属性

时间:2016-04-08 17:42:21

标签: c# wpf custom-controls

VS中使用c#的WPF应用程序。我继承ComboBox,将其命名为AutoCompleteComboBox。我需要IsEditable True,做到了。当我在AutoCompleteComboBox(Control)中写入时,每个字符都被添加到字符串的末尾。我无法通过开始键入来删除突出显示,并且我的光标始终位于第一个索引处。 (简而言之,我需要帮助来动态创建"可编辑"属性)

class AutoCompleteComboBox : ComboBox
    /// <summary>
    /// The value of selected items, this is used since what is shown in the TextBox 
    /// can be different than what is to be stored in the database.
    /// </summary>
    public string Value;

    /// <summary>
    /// The original data context of the Dropdown. 
    /// </summary>
    private object _originalDataContext;

    public AutoCompleteComboBox() : base()
        this.IsEditable = true;
        this.StaysOpenOnEdit = true;
        this.IsTextSearchEnabled = false;

        this.KeyDown += filterItems;        

    private void filterItems(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
        if (this.Text.Length > 0)
            this.IsDropDownOpen = true;

        if (_originalDataContext == null)
            _originalDataContext = this.DataContext;
        // Need to implement exception handling.
        AutoCompleteComboBox cb = (AutoCompleteComboBox)sender;
        string filterCriteria = cb.Text.ToUpper();

        // Whatever the display member path is, that is our search criteria.
        string displayMemberPath = cb.DisplayMemberPath;

        // Datatable with the original goods.
        DataTable table = (DataTable)_originalDataContext;
            // Remove any null entries from the table
            DataTable tableWithoutNulls = table.AsEnumerable()
                .Where(i => i.Field<String>(displayMemberPath) != null).CopyToDataTable();

            // Get the entries that match what the user typed in
            DataTable revisedTable = tableWithoutNulls.AsEnumerable()
                .Where(i => i.Field<String>(displayMemberPath).ToUpper().Contains(filterCriteria)).CopyToDataTable();

            // Set the data context of the control to the new results
            this.DataContext = revisedTable;
        catch (InvalidOperationException)
            // No matches were found. Set the datacontext to blank.
            this.DataContext = new DataTable();
        catch (ArgumentNullException)
            // No matches were found. Set the datacontext to blank.
            this.DataContext = new DataTable();


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