
时间:2016-04-08 19:35:45

标签: c++ class constructor


  1. 为什么我不能使用标记为QUESTION 1的注释结构。调用复制构造函数而不是显式构造函数(据我所知,编译器调用时签名不明确)构造函数)。

  2. 我是否必须使用"删除[] p"对于在问题2中分配的指针,还是析构函数会自动删除它?

  3. 我是班级的新手,我试图掌握它,所以提前谢谢你。

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    #define DIM 2
    class Complex {
        double re, im;
        char *name;
        Complex(double re = 1.0, double im = 1.0) {
            Complex::name = new char[9];
            Complex::re = re;
            Complex::im = im;
        Complex(const Complex &aux) {
            re = aux.re;
            im = aux.im;
            name = aux.name;
        }//copy constructor
        void setReal(double re);
        void setImag(double im);
        void setName(char name[9]);
        double getReal();
        double getImag();
        char *getName();
        Complex sum(Complex);
        Complex dif(Complex);
        Complex multi(Complex);
        Complex div(Complex);
        ~Complex() {
    void main() {
        Complex *p = new Complex[DIM];  //QUESTION 2        
                                        //Is the destructor called or do I have do use delete []p ?
        char *name[DIM];
        for (int i = 0; i < DIM; i++) {
        //data input    
        for (int i = 0; i < DIM; i++)       //freeing memory
            delete name[i];
        //Complex sum(), dif(), prod(), div();              //QUESTION 1
                                                            //why is this calling the copy constructor instead of the explicit 
                                                            //constructor with the deault parameters ?  
        Complex sum(*p), dif(*p), prod(*p), div(*p);    //initialising with the first element using copy constructor    
        for (int i = 1; i < DIM; i++) {
            dif = dif.dif(*(p + i));
            prod = prod.multi(*(p + i));
            div = div.div(*(p + i));
    //some data output
    }//end main

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


Complex sum(), dif(), prod(), div();


Complex sum, dif, prod, div;


答案 1 :(得分:1)

对于第二个问题,您必须设置循环以删除每个对象的name成员变量,或者为您的类编写解构函数并使用delete []p
