
时间:2016-04-11 23:51:43

标签: mysql




SELECT `booking`.`id`,
SUM(`booking_charge`.`amount`) AS `charges`,
SUM(`booking_payment`.`amount`) AS `payments`

FROM `booking`
LEFT JOIN `booking_charge` ON `booking`.`id` = `booking_charge`.`booking_id`
LEFT JOIN `booking_payment` ON `booking`.`id` = `booking_payment`.`booking_id`

WHERE `charges` > `payments` ///this is the incorrect part

GROUP BY `booking`.`id`


Booking (ID)

Booking_Charge (Booking_ID, Amount)

Booking_Payment (Booking_ID, Amount)


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


SELECT `booking`.`id`,
SUM(`booking_charge`.`amount`) AS `charges`,
SUM(`booking_payment`.`amount`) AS `payments`
FROM `booking`
LEFT JOIN `booking_charge` ON `booking`.`id` = `booking_charge`.`booking_id`
LEFT JOIN `booking_payment` ON `booking`.`id` = `booking_payment`.`booking_id`
GROUP BY `booking`.`id`
HAVING `charges` > `payments`

答案 1 :(得分:1)

One of the problems with the query is the cross join between rows from `_charge` and rows from `_payment`. It's a semi-Cartesian join. Each row returned from `_charge` will be matched with each row returned from `_payment`, for a given `booking_id`.

Consider a simple example:

Let's put a single row in `_charge` for $40 for a particular `booking_id`.

And put two rows into `_payment` for $20 each, for the same `booking_id`.

The query will would return total charges of $80. (= 2 x $40). If there were instead five rows in \'_payment\' for $10 each, the query would return a total charges of $200 ( = 5 x $40)

There's a couple of approaches to addressing that issue. One approach is to do the aggregation in an inline view, and return the total of the charges and payments as a single row for each booking_id, and then join those to the booking table. With at most one row per booking_id, the cross join doesn't give rise to the problem of "duplicating" rows from _charge and/or _payment.

For example:

       , IFNULL(c.amt,0)  AS charges
       , IFNULL(p.amt,0)  AS payments
    FROM booking b
    JOIN ( SELECT bc.booking_id
                , SUM(bc.amount) AS amt
             FROM booking_charge bc
            GROUP BY bc.booking_id
         ) c
      ON c.booking_id =
    JOIN ( SELECT bp.booking_id
                , SUM(bp.amount) AS amt
             FROM booking_payment bp
            GROUP BY bp.booking_id
         ) p
      ON p.booking_id =
   WHERE IFNULL(c.amt,0) > IFNULL(p.amt,0)

We could make use of a HAVING clause, in place of the WHERE.

The query in this answer is not the only way to get the result, nor is it the most efficient. There are other query patterns that will return an equivalent result.
