protobuf和.net - 如何使用生成的.cs文件?

时间:2016-04-12 03:47:02

标签: c# protocol-buffers protobuf-net

我开始使用protobufs - 我有一个原型文件:

syntax = "proto2";

message InputState {
    required uint32 input = 1;
    required string state = 2;

message InputStateData {
    repeated InputState input = 1;


我得到了这个意想不到的.cs文件: !click me! Input.cs

我收录了nuget protobuf-portable-net,但现在我不知道如何使用生成的.cs文件

接下来我该怎么做 - Input.cs文件是否正确?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


如果你想使用protobuf-net:要么自己使用protobuf-net库(它支持“代码优先”,意思是:没有工具),要么使用protobuf-net工具和protobuf-net库。< / p>



class InputState {
    public uint Input {get;set;}
    public string State {get;set;}
class InputStateData {
    public List<InputState> Input {get;} = new List<InputState>();

答案 1 :(得分:0)

好的 - 我了解更多,这是文件生成器,它提供的格式最接近我的预期:用于protobuf-net)。这正是我所需要的。

// <auto-generated>
//     This code was generated by a tool. 
//     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
//     the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>

// Generated from: inputs.proto
namespace inputs
[global::System.Serializable,  global::ProtoBuf.ProtoContract(Name=@"InputState")]
 public partial class InputState : global::ProtoBuf.IExtensible
public InputState() {}

private uint _input;
[global::ProtoBuf.ProtoMember(1, IsRequired = true, Name=@"input", DataFormat = global::ProtoBuf.DataFormat.TwosComplement)]
public uint input
  get { return _input; }
  set { _input = value; }
private string _state;
[global::ProtoBuf.ProtoMember(2, IsRequired = true, Name=@"state", DataFormat = global::ProtoBuf.DataFormat.Default)]
public string state
  get { return _state; }
  set { _state = value; }
private global::ProtoBuf.IExtension extensionObject;
global::ProtoBuf.IExtension global::ProtoBuf.IExtensible.GetExtensionObject(bool createIfMissing)
  { return global::ProtoBuf.Extensible.GetExtensionObject(ref extensionObject, createIfMissing); }

 [global::System.Serializable, global::ProtoBuf.ProtoContract(Name=@"InputStateData")]
 public partial class InputStateData : global::ProtoBuf.IExtensible
public InputStateData() {}

private readonly global::System.Collections.Generic.List<InputState> _input = new global::System.Collections.Generic.List<InputState>();
[global::ProtoBuf.ProtoMember(1, Name=@"input", DataFormat = global::ProtoBuf.DataFormat.Default)]
public global::System.Collections.Generic.List<InputState> input
  get { return _input; }

private global::ProtoBuf.IExtension extensionObject;
global::ProtoBuf.IExtension global::ProtoBuf.IExtensible.GetExtensionObject(bool createIfMissing)
  { return global::ProtoBuf.Extensible.GetExtensionObject(ref extensionObject, createIfMissing); }
