
时间:2016-04-16 18:21:50

标签: ruby-on-rails ruby forms rubygems reform

当用户点击时,例如“拍摄照片”,我们如何使用专门针对该特色挑战设置的属性预填充create.html.erb表单,例如12天,并执行{{ 1}}?

我正在使用reform gem

Tue, Thu

enter image description here

def new
  @challenge = Challenge.new
  respond_modal_with @challenge, location: root_path

<%= simple_form_for(@challenge, html: { data: { modal: true } })  do |f| %>
  <%= f.text_field :action, placeholder: 'Enter a Custom Challenge' %><br>
    Or choose a featured challenge:
  <%= f.collection_radio_buttons :action, [['Run a Mile','Run a Mile'], ['Drink 16oz of Water','Drink 16oz of Water'], ['Take a Picture','Take a Picture'], ['1 Drink Max','1 Drink Max'], ['See Eiffel Tower','See Eiffel Tower'], ['Write a Book','Write a Book'], ['Skydive','Skydive'], ['Start a Business','Start a Business'], ['No Snooze','No Snooze'], ['Visit All 50 States','Visit All 50 States'], ['Talk to a Stranger','Talk to a Stranger'], ['Try a New Recipe','Try a New Recipe'], ['Media-fast','Media-fast']], :first, :last %>
  <%= f.submit %>
<% end %>

enter image description here

def create
  @challenge = Challenge.new(challenge_params) #create is being used to GET and then POST
  if params[:step] == '2'
    @challenge = current_user.challenges.build(challenge_params)
    redirect_to @challenge

<%= simple_form_for(@challenge)  do |f| %>
<%= hidden_field_tag :step, 2 %>
  Challenge: <%= f.text_field :action %>
  Do For: <%= f.number_field :days_challenged, value: 10 %>
  Do On: <%= f.collection_check_boxes :committed %>
<% end %>

现在class ChallengeForm < Reform::Form property :action property :committed property :days_challenged model :challenge def commited super || action_to_commited_hash[model.action] end def days_challenged super || action_to_days_challenged_hash[model.action] end def action_to_days_challenged_hash { 'Run a Mile' => 30, 'Take a Picture' => 12 } end def action_to_commited_hash { 'Run a Mile' => ['Mon', 'Wed', 'Fri'], 'Take a Picture' => ['Tue', 'Thu'] } end end 对create.html.erb没有任何影响。如何根据特色ChallengeForm将默认值正确插入create.html.erb?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


<强> challenges_controller

  def new
    @form = ChallengeForm.new(Challenge.new)

    respond_modal_with @form, location: root_path

  def create
    challenge = Challenge.new(challenge_params)
    @form = ChallengeForm.new(challenge)

    if params[:step] == '2'
      @form.validate(user_id: current_user.id)
      redirect_to challenge

<强>挑战/ new.html.erb

<%= simple_form_for @form, html: { data: { modal: true } }, url: 'your_challenge_create_path', method: :post do |f| %>

  <%= f.text_field :action, placeholder: 'Enter a Custom Challenge' %><br>
  Or choose a featured challenge:
  <%= f.collection_radio_buttons :action, [['Run a Mile','Run a Mile'], ['Drink 16oz of Water','Drink 16oz of Water'], ['Take a Picture','Take a Picture'], ['1 Drink Max','1 Drink Max'], ['See Eiffel Tower','See Eiffel Tower'], ['Write a Book','Write a Book'], ['Skydive','Skydive'], ['Start a Business','Start a Business'], ['No Snooze','No Snooze'], ['Visit All 50 States','Visit All 50 States'], ['Talk to a Stranger','Talk to a Stranger'], ['Try a New Recipe','Try a New Recipe'], ['Media-fast','Media-fast']], :first, :last %>
  <%= f.submit %>
<% end %>

<强>挑战/ create.html.erb

<%= simple_form_for @form, html: { data: { modal: true } }, url: 'your_challenge_create_path', method: :post do |f| %>
  <%= hidden_field_tag :step, 2 %>
  Challenge: <%= f.text_field :action %>
  Do For: <%= f.number_field :days_challenged %>
  Do On: <%= f.collection_check_boxes :committed %>
<% end %>


答案 1 :(得分:0)



@challenge_form = ChallengeForm.new(@challenge)


<%= simple_form_for(@challenge_form, html: { data: { modal: true } })  do |f| %>